OpenLayersCookbook:GIS web应用开发实战指南

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"OpenLayers Cookbook 是一本关于如何使用开源JavaScript库OpenLayers创建GIS web应用的电子书,包含60个实战技巧和方法。作者是Antonio Santiago Perez。" OpenLayers是一个强大的JavaScript库,专门用于在Web上展示地理信息系统(GIS)数据。这本书"OpenLayers Cookbook"深入浅出地介绍了如何利用这个库来构建功能丰富的地图应用。以下是根据书中的章节标题和部分内容提炼出的关键知识点: 1. **Web Mapping Basics**:这部分可能涵盖了Web地图的基本概念,包括地图坐标系统(如WGS84、Web Mercator),以及如何使用OpenLayers库加载和显示基本的地图切片。 2. **Adding Raster Layers**:这部分会讲解如何添加遥感图像或卫星图层到地图上,可能涉及不同地图服务提供商(如OpenStreetMap、Google Maps API)的集成,以及如何处理图层透明度和缩放级别。 3. **Working with Vector Layers**:这一章将详细介绍如何处理矢量数据,如点、线、面等地理对象,可能包括了数据加载(GeoJSON、GML等格式)、编辑功能和空间查询。 4. **Working with Events**:事件处理是交互式地图的关键,此部分可能会讲述如何监听和响应用户与地图的交互,如点击、拖动、缩放等事件。 5. **Adding Controls**:OpenLayers提供了多种控件,如缩放滑块、指南针、比例尺等。这部分会介绍如何添加和自定义这些控件,以增强用户体验。 6. **Theming**:主题设计涉及地图的视觉呈现,可能涵盖如何改变地图样式、颜色方案,以及如何创建自定义图例和标注。 7. **Styling Features**:这章节将深入探讨如何对地图上的地理特征进行样式设置,如使用规则表达式实现条件化样式,以及符号化和标签的动态调整。 8. **Beyond the Basics**:最后的部分可能包含了更高级的主题,如空间分析、性能优化、离线地图支持,以及与其他GIS库或服务(如GeoServer、Leaflet)的集成。 通过学习这本书,读者不仅可以掌握OpenLayers的基本用法,还能了解如何构建复杂、交互性强的GIS应用,从而在Web开发领域中提升GIS技术能力。书中每个章节的“recipe”都是一个独立的实践案例,有助于读者快速理解和应用所学知识。
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OpenLayers 3 allows you to create stunning web mapping and WebGIS applications. It uses modern, cutting edge browser technologies. It is written with Closure Library, enabling you to build browser-independent applications without painful debugging ceremonies, which even have some limited fallback options for older browsers. With this guide, you will be introduced to the world of advanced web mapping and WebGIS. First, you will be introduced to the advanced features and functionalities available in OpenLayers 3. Next, you will be taken through the key points of creating custom applications with OpenLayers 3. You will then learn how to create the web mapping application of yours (or your company’s) dream with this open source, expense-free, yet very powerful library. We’ll also show you how to make amazing looking thematic maps and create great effects with canvas manipulation. By the end of this book, you will have a strong command of web mapping and will be well on your way to creating amazing applications using OpenLayers 3. What you will learn Use the advanced functionality of the OpenLayers 3 library effectively Implement the library in your application, shaping it to your needs Manage layers and the layer stack dynamically Create not only stunning but also accurate thematic maps Extend OpenLayers 3 with your own custom classes Develop mobile-friendly web mapping applications Make stunning effects with canvas manipulation, or visualize point clouds with WebGL Integrate third-party applications, and create custom builds that completely satisfy your needs