Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2020
CIFAR-10: It is a standard image classification dataset and consists of 60K 32×32 colour images
in 10 classes. The original training set contains 50K images, with 5K images per class. The original
test set contains 10K images, with 1K images per class. Due to the need of validation set, we split
all 50K training images in CIFAR-10 into two groups. Each group contains 25K images with 10
classes. We regard the first group as the new training set and the second group as the validation set.
CIFAR-100: This dataset is just like CIFAR-10. It has the same images as CIFAR-10 but categorizes
each image into 100 fine-grained classes. The original training set on CIFAR-100 has 50K images,
and the original test set has 10K images. We randomly split the original test set into two group of
equal size — 5K images per group. One group is regarded as the validation set, and another one is
regarded as the new test set.
ImageNet-16-120: We build ImageNet-16-120 from the down-sampled variant of ImageNet
(ImageNet16×16). As indicated in Chrabaszcz et al. (2017), down-sampling images in ImageNet
can largely reduce the computation costs for optimal hyper-parameters of some classical models
while maintaining similar searching results. Chrabaszcz et al. (2017) down-sampled the original
ImageNet to 16×16 pixels to form ImageNet16×16, from which we select all images with label
∈ [1, 120] to construct ImageNet-16-120. In sum, ImageNet-16-120 contains 151.7K training im-
ages, 3K validation images, and 3K test images with 120 classes.
By default, in this paper, “the training set”, “the validation set”, “the test set” indicate the new
training, validation, and test sets, respectively.
Training Architectures. In order to unify the performance of every architecture, we give the per-
formance of every architecture in our search space. In our NAS-Bench-201, we follow previous
Table 1: The training hyper-parameter set H
optimizer SGD initial LR 0.1
Nesterov X ending LR 0
momentum 0.9 LR schedule cosine
weight decay 0.0005 epoch 200
batch size 256 initial channel 16
V 4 N 5
random flip p=0.5 random crop X
normalization X
literature to set up the hyper-parameters and train-
ing strategies (Zoph et al., 2018; Loshchilov &
Hutter, 2017; He et al., 2016). We train each ar-
chitecture with the same strategy, which is shown
in Table 1. For simplification, we denote all hyper-
parameters for training a model as a set H, and we
use H
to denote the values of hyper-parameter that
we use. Specifically, we train each architecture via
Nesterov momentum SGD, using the cross-entropy
loss for 200 epochs in total. We set the weight de-
cay as 0.0005 and decay the learning rate from 0.1 to 0 with a cosine annealing (Loshchilov &
Hutter, 2017). We use the same H
on different datasets, except for the data augmentation which is
slightly different due to the image resolution. On CIFAR, we use the random flip with probability
of 0.5, the random crop 32×32 patch with 4 pixels padding on each border, and the normalization
over RGB channels. On ImageNet-16-120, we use a similar strategy but random crop 16×16 patch
with 2 pixels padding on each border. Apart from using H
for all datasets, we also use a different
hyper-parameter set H
for CIFAR-10. It is similar to H
but its total number of training epochs
is 12. In this way, we could provide bandit-based algorithms (Falkner et al., 2018; Li et al., 2018)
more options for the usage of short training budget (see more details in appendix).
Metrics. We train each architecture with different random seeds on different datasets. We evaluate
each architecture A after every training epoch. NAS-Bench-201 provides the training, validation,
Table 2: NAS-Bench-201 provides the following
metrics with H
. ‘Acc.’ means accuracy.
Dataset Train Loss/Acc. Eval Loss/Acc.
CIFAR-10 train set valid set
CIFAR-10 train+valid set test set
CIFAR-100 train set valid set
CIFAR-100 train set test set
ImageNet-16-120 train set valid set
ImageNet-16-120 train set test set
and test loss as well as accuracy. We show the
supported metrics on different datasets in Ta-
ble 2. Users can easily use our API to query
the results of each trial of A, which has neg-
ligible computational costs. In this way, re-
searchers could significantly speed up their
searching algorithm on these datasets and fo-
cus solely on the essence of NAS.
We list the training/test loss/accuracies over
different split sets on four datasets in Table 2. On CIFAR-10, we train the model on the training set
and evaluate it on the validation set. We also train the model on the training and validation set and