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摘要: 本文主要讨论了中学局域网络与安全系统的设计,着重考虑了两个交换机端口速率不一样的情况下如何解决,并提出了使用转换线的方法。首先介绍了校园网络的重要性和设计原则,然后详细分析了中学局域网络的构建和安全系统设计的关键因素。在网络设计过程中,需要考虑到学校规模、带宽需求、设备配置、网络拓扑等多方面因素,以确保网络运行稳定和安全。最后,对网络设计中可能遇到的问题进行了分析,并提出了解决方案,为中学局域网络与安全系统的设计提供了参考。 关键词:校园网络,网络设计,信息安全 Abstract: This paper mainly discusses the design of middle school local area network and security system, focusing on how to solve the problem when the port rates of two switches are different, and proposes using conversion cables. Firstly, the importance and design principles of campus networks are introduced, and then the key factors in the construction of middle school local area network and the design of security systems are analyzed in detail. In the process of network design, factors such as school size, bandwidth requirements, device configuration, network topology, etc. need to be considered to ensure the stable and secure operation of the network. Finally, the paper analyzes the problems that may be encountered in network design and proposes solutions, providing reference for the design of middle school local area network and security system.