3GPP NAS 24.301:EPS移动与会话管理协议规范

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3GPP NAS 24.301是欧洲电信标准协会(ETSI)制定的一项关键技术规范,专注于在演进分组系统(Evolved Packet System, EPS)中的用户设备(User Equipment, UE)与移动管理实体(Mobility Management Entity, MME)之间的移动管理和会话管理协议。该规范属于非接入层(Non-Access Stratum, NAS)范畴,适用于3GPP Stage 3的演进,对应于3GPP Technical Specification (TS) 24.301的第9.11.0版本,发布于2013年4月。 这个标准文档ETSI TS 124301 V9.11.0详细规定了以下内容: 1. **通用移动通信系统(UMTS)**:NAS协议是在UMTS网络架构基础上设计的,确保了不同无线接入技术之间的无缝过渡,尤其是在向长期演进(LTE)演进的过程中。 2. **LTE接口**:尽管文档重点在于EPS,但NAS 24.301也涉及与LTE的协同工作,确保UE在从UMTS切换到LTE或反之时,能够维持连续性并进行有效的连接管理。 3. **非接入层协议**:NAS负责处理与接入网(Access Stratum)相对应的高层功能,如鉴权、寻呼、承载建立等,这些都是实现UE与核心网络间交互的基础。 4. **3GPP Release 9**:这是NAS 24.301规范的发布时间,标志着它是在3GPP的第九个主要版本中发布的,反映了当时的技术成熟度和标准化进程。 5. **ETSI组织信息**:文档由ETSI发布,其位于法国索菲亚安提波利斯的地址,提供下载链接以便用户获取纸质版或电子版的最新标准。如有版本差异,以PDF格式在特定网络驱动器上的印刷版为准。 6. **用户注意事项**:使用此文档的用户需了解,可能存在不同版本的电子文档或打印版,官方参考版本是PDF格式,并且在ETSI内部服务器上保存的版本具有最终权威性。 3GPP NAS 24.301是通信行业中用于优化移动性和会话管理的关键规范,它对于理解并操作UMTS和LTE网络中的UE-MME交互至关重要,尤其在部署和维护现代移动通信基础设施时具有重要意义。对于从事网络运营、设备制造或技术研发的专业人员来说,掌握这一标准是确保服务质量和无缝迁移的基础。
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The present document specifies the procedures used by the protocols for mobility management and session management between User Equipment (UE) and Mobility Management Entity (MME) in the Evolved Packet System (EPS). These protocols belong to the non-access stratum (NAS). The EPS Mobility Management (EMM) protocol defined in the present document provides procedures for the control of mobility when the User Equipment (UE) is using the Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN). The EMM protocol also provides control of security for the NAS protocols. The EPS Session Management (ESM) protocol defined in the present document provides procedures for the handling of EPS bearer contexts. Together with the bearer control provided by the access stratum, this protocol is used for the control of user plane bearers. For both NAS protocols the present document specifies procedures for the support of inter-system mobility between E-UTRAN and other 3GPP or non-3GPP access networks: - For inter-system mobility between E-UTRAN and GERAN or UTRAN, this includes rules for a mapping between parameters and procedures used by the NAS protocols defined in the present document and the NAS protocols specified in 3GPP TS 24.008 [13]. - For inter-system mobility between E-UTRAN and generic non-3GPP access networks, this includes specific NAS procedures to maintain IP connectivity to the PDN Gateway and to provide parameters needed by the UE when using mobility management based on Dual-Stack Mobile IPv6 (see 3GPP TS 24.303 [14]) or MIPv4 (see 3GPP TS 24.304 [15]). The present document is applicable to the UE and to the Mobility Management Entity (MME) in the EPS. The present document is also applicable to the relay node in the EPS (see 3GPP TS 23.401 [10]).