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21st century development relies heavily on the advancement of computers, and the information brought by the era of big data has brought challenges to the management of data for enterprises. For example, the complex process of drug procurement and sales in hospitals, along with the large amount of data involved, often causes great losses to hospitals with just a slight oversight. Therefore, more and more hospitals need a management platform for drug inventory information and quality information to avoid such losses. To meet this demand, we have developed a management platform for drug procurement and sales information, which focuses on managing relevant information data for pharmacies.
The system is mainly developed using JSP language, and the database for the system is established using MySQL which is a powerful data processing system. This is a medium to small sized database management system with powerful functions and user-friendly interface, providing good compatibility with other database management software packages, making it easy to recognize and identify database files generated by various database management systems. The database management system module adopts an administrator password management approach, requiring password input to enter the system to ensure data security.
Overall, the Medical Management System based on JSP is designed and implemented to effectively manage drug inventory and sales information for pharmacies, ensuring efficient and secure data management to prevent potential losses for hospitals. With the use of JSP language and MySQL database, the system offers a powerful and user-friendly platform for managing pharmaceutical operations, enhancing the overall efficiency and security of drug inventory management.
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