
5星 · 超过95%的资源 2 下载量 132 浏览量 更新于2024-03-09 3 收藏 3.93MB DOC 举报
The design and implementation of an intelligent fire-fighting robot have become increasingly important in the face of natural disasters such as fires that threaten human life. This project focused on developing a smart fire-fighting car that utilizes infrared sensors to detect the path and source of the fire, with a 51 single-chip microcontroller as the control system. The system consists of a power supply circuit, motor drive, ultrasonic sensor, fire-fighting fan, and other necessary circuits. The power supply circuit provides the required power for the system to operate efficiently. The tracking and obstacle avoidance functions are completed by the infrared sensors, while the ultrasonic sensor locates the position of the fire source accurately and quickly. The fire-fighting fan is then activated to extinguish the fire effectively. In summary, this design and implementation of an intelligent fire-fighting robot showcases the use of advanced technology and sensors to automate dangerous tasks and protect human life. With the integration of the 51 single-chip microcontroller and various sensors, the system is capable of efficiently detecting and extinguishing fires, making it a valuable tool in disaster response and prevention. Key words: Single-chip microcontroller, robot, guidance control, sensor.