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The document titled "MRM0006_測評報告.docx" provides a detailed evaluation report on a human resources recruitment system. The report outlines the specific functional specifications and defines the requirements for the system. The content of the report is highly confidential and is protected under a non-disclosure agreement. Any unauthorized disclosure or use of this information is strictly prohibited. The report serves as a valuable resource for assessing the effectiveness and capabilities of the recruitment system, and provides essential guidance for optimizing its performance. The detailed analysis and recommendations included in the report are the result of thorough testing and assessment, and are intended to support the success of the recruitment system. Access to this report should be restricted to authorized personnel only, in order to maintain the confidentiality and security of the information contained within.
2023-10-08 上传
2023-10-08 上传
2023-10-08 上传
2023-10-08 上传
2023-10-08 上传
2023-10-08 上传
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