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The BOE 14.6-inch screen user manual, with the document number and revision VL-FS-COG-VLSZT067-01 REV. P0 (COG-VLSZT067-01), was last revised in August 2020 and spans 28 pages. The document outlines the specification of the LCD module type, with the customer reference number COG-VLSZT067-01 and model number AV146FHM-N10-28P1.
The user manual is intended for the marketing department, as indicated in the distribution list. It requires the necessary signature and date for approval by the customer, electrical engineering (EE), optical engineering (OE), mechanical engineering (ME), and quality assurance departments.
The manual provides detailed information and guidelines on the usage, installation, and maintenance of the 14.6-inch screen. It includes specifications such as resolution, dimensions, and electrical characteristics. Furthermore, it outlines safety precautions, handling instructions, and troubleshooting techniques. The manual also covers warranty information and customer support contacts.
Overall, the BOE 14.6-inch screen user manual serves as a comprehensive guide for both customers and internal departments, ensuring the proper use and maintenance of the LCD module.
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