Physics Letters B 786 (2018) 472–476
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Physics Letters B
CGC/saturation approach: Secondary Reggeons and ρ = Re/Im
on energy
E. Gotsman
, E. Levin
, I. Potashnikova
Department of Particle Physics, School of Physics and Astronomy, Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Science, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 69978, Israel
Departemento de Física, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, and Centro Científico-Tecnológico de Valparaíso, Avda. Espana 1680, Casilla 110-V,
Valparaíso, Chile
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history:
18 July 2018
in revised form 16 September
10 October 2018
online 11 October 2018
A. Ringwald
In this letter we demonstrate that a model based on the CGC/saturation approach, successfully describes
soft interaction collisions for the wide range of W =
s = 30 GeV ÷ 13 TeV including the new TOTEM
data at 13 TeV. We have now incorporated the secondary Reggeons in our approach this enables us
to describe the complete set of the soft data, including the energy behavior of ρ the ratio of the real
to imaginary parts of the elastic scattering amplitude. We argue that it is premature to claim that an
odderon contribution is necessary, but estimate its possible strength as 1 mb to the real part of the
amplitude at W = 13 TeV. We show that the odderon contribution depends on the value of energy
to Re A
s, t = 0
8mb at W = 21.2GeV. Bearing this in mind we do not believe that ρ at high
energies is the appropriate observable for detecting the odderon contribution. The successful description
of the soft data in the wide range of energy strengthens our claim that the CGC/saturation approach is
the only viable candidate for an effective theory for high energy QCD.
© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by SCOAP
1. Introduction
In our recent papers [1,2]we have constructed a model, which
allows us to discuss soft and hard processes on the same footing.
This model is based on the CGC/saturation approach (see Ref. [3]
a review) and on our previous attempts to build such a
model [4–11].
model, that we proposed in Refs. [1,2], successfully de-
the DIS data from HERA, the total, inelastic, elastic and
diffractive cross sections, the t-dependence of these cross sections,
as well as the inclusive production and rapidity and angular cor-
in a wide range of high energies up to 13 TeV. In this
letter we include in our formalism the contribution of the sec-
Reggeons that allows us to expand the region of energies
down to W =50 GeV. The main motivation for this is our need to
describe the energy behavior of the ratio ρ = Re/Im of the scatter-
amplitude, to which the secondary reggeons make a significant
contribution. The new TOTEM data [12]shows that the value of
Corresponding author.
addresses: gotsman@post.tau.ac.il (E. Gotsman), leving@post.tau.ac.il,
eugeny.levin@usm.cl (E. Levin), irina.potashnikova@usm.cl (I. Potashnikova).
ρ = 0.1 ±0.01(0.09 ±0.01) is lower than expected, and this ignited
the hot discussion about the possible contribution of the odd-
eron [13–20].
The odderon contribution to the negative signature
appears naturally in perturbative QCD, with an intercept which is
equal to zero [21,22]. In other words, we expect that the odderon
will lead to a constant real part of the scattering amplitude at high
energy, while the other contributions from the pomeron and the
secondary reggeons result in a decreasing real part. Consequently,
it is apt to elucidate the odderon contribution by investigating ρ
at high energies.
main result of this letter is (i) that ρ ≈ 0.1at W =13 TeV
appears naturally in our approach without having to assume an
odderon contribution; and (ii) the value of its possible contribution
is about 1mb in the real part of the scattering amplitude, indepen-
of energy. The small and decreasing value of ρ at high ener-
stems from the CGC motivated amount of shadowing (screen-
corrections and furnishes strong support for our approach.
model incorporates two ingredients: the achievements
of the CGC/saturation approach, and the pure phenomenological
treatment of the long distance non-perturbative physics, necessary,
due to the lack of theoretical understanding of the confinement of
quark and gluons.
© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by