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"《HBase权威指南》第二版,作者:Lars George,是一本深入介绍HBase的书籍,涵盖了大数据的兴起、关系型数据库的问题、非关系型数据库(NoSQL)的出现,以及HBase作为Hadoop数据库的详细介绍。书中内容包括HBase的安装、配置、运行模式和集群操作等实用知识。" 在大数据时代,HBase作为一款分布式、面向列的NoSQL数据库,因其可扩展性和高吞吐量的数据处理能力而备受关注。这本书首先介绍了大数据的背景,指出传统的关系型数据库在处理海量数据时的局限性,如扩展性问题、数据规范化等。非关系型数据库(NoSQL)的出现,特别是像HBase这样的列族数据库,为解决这些问题提供了新的解决方案。 HBase的设计基于Google的Bigtable模型,强调水平扩展和高可用性。书中详细阐述了HBase的几个关键概念:维度、可扩展性、数据库去规范化和构建块。在HBase的架构中,它将数据存储划分为命名空间、表、行、列和单元格,通过自动分片机制实现数据的分布式存储。此外,书中还讨论了HBase与各种文件系统的集成,包括本地文件系统、Hadoop的HDFS以及Amazon的S3。 在安装部分,作者提供了快速启动指南,明确了硬件和软件的要求,详细列举了不同的安装选择,如Apache二进制发行版和源码编译。书中还介绍了HBase的运行模式,包括单机模式和分布式模式,以及相关的配置文件,如`hbase-site.xml`、`hbase-env.sh`、`regionserver`、`log4j.properties`等,这些是管理HBase实例的关键。此外,还提到了客户端配置和部署方案,包括脚本方式、Apache Whirr自动化工具,以及Puppet和Chef等配置管理工具。 对于集群操作,书中提供了运行和确认安装的步骤,以及Web界面和Shell命令的简介,帮助读者更好地管理和监控HBase集群。《HBase权威指南》第二版是学习和理解HBase不可或缺的参考资料,无论是对初学者还是高级开发者,都能从中受益。
2018-08-08 上传
Early Release If you’re looking for a scalable storage solution to accommodate a virtually endless amount of data, this updated edition shows you how Apache HBase can meet your needs. Modeled after Google’s BigTable architecture, HBase scales to billions of rows and millions of columns, while ensuring that write and read performance remain constant. Fully revised for HBase 1.0, this second edition brings you up to speed on the new HBase client API, as well as security features and new case studies that demonstrate HBase use in the real world. Whether you just started to evaluate this non-relational database, or plan to put it into practice right away, this book has your back. Launch into basic, advanced, and administrative features of HBase’s new client-facing API Use new classes to integrate HBase with Hadoop’s MapReduce framework Explore HBase’s architecture, including the storage format, write-ahead log, and background processes Dive into advanced usage, such extended client and server options Learn cluster sizing, tuning, and monitoring best practices Design schemas, copy tables, import bulk data, decommission nodes, and other tasks Go deeper into HBase security, including Kerberos and encryption at rest Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Installation Chapter 3. Client API: The Basics Chapter 4. Client API: Advanced Features Chapter 5. Client API: Administrative Features Chapter 6. Available Clients Chapter 7. Hadoop Integration Appendix A. Upgrade from Previous Releases