CoDeSys引导:实践IEC 61131-3编程语言在PLC中的差异与应用

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《可编程逻辑控制器:基于IEC 61131-3的CoDeSys实用方法》是一本由John R. Hackworth和Frederick D. Hackworth Jr.合著的实用指南,着重于介绍PLC(Programmable Logic Controller)编程方法及其应用。自PLC市场出现竞争以来,不同品牌间的编程语言差异日益显著,尽管早期的标准如指令列表(Instruction Lists, IL)和梯形图(Ladder Diagram, LD)被广泛应用,但每个制造商都对这些基础语言进行了自家的扩展,形成了各自的“方言”。 该书内容广泛,共分为12章,旨在提供一个全面的学习平台,而非局限于单一制造商的产品。第1章介绍了梯形图基础,这是PLC编程中最基本的概念,用于描述设备的工作流程。接着,作者探讨了PLC的基本概念,包括其在工业自动化中的角色和功能。 第3章深入到PLC的实际编程技巧,讲解如何利用各种编程语言如结构文本(Structured Text, ST)、功能块图(Function Block Diagram, FBD)等,这些是根据IEC 61131-3国际标准制定的五种标准编程语言之一。CoDeSys是一个跨平台的工具集,允许用户使用这些标准化的语言在多种PLC上进行编程,从而提高了兼容性和效率。 随着章节的推进,书中涵盖了高级编程技术,如助记符编程代码(Mnemonic Programming Code),这有助于程序员更高效地编写程序;第6章讨论了接线技术,强调了实际安装和布线在控制系统设计中的重要性;第7章和后续章节分别关注模拟输入/输出、离散位置传感器、编码器、变送器等,以及高级传感器的应用。 第10章和11章深入到闭环控制和电机控制的实现,包括PID(Proportional-Integral-Derivative)控制,这是工业自动化中常见的控制策略。最后,第12章着重于系统的完整性和安全性,探讨了如何确保PLC系统在复杂工业环境中的稳定运行和防护措施。 《Programmable Logic Controllers: A Practical Approach to IEC 61131-3 Using CoDeSys》是一本实用的教材,不仅教授基础知识,还帮助读者理解和掌握多种编程方法,以适应不同厂商的PLC产品,并熟悉国际标准IEC 61131-3。通过本书,学习者不仅能学会特定设备的编程,还能提升跨平台工作的能力,对于从事PLC编程或工业自动化领域的专业人士来说,具有很高的参考价值。

翻译Device configuration register The device has various configuration settings that are global in nature. The configuration settings are as follows: • When the 33978 is in the overvoltage region, a Logic [0] on the VBATP OV bit limits the wetting current on all input channels to 2 mA and the 33978 will not be able to enter into the Low-power mode. A Logic [1] allows the device to operate normally even in the overvoltage region. The OV flag will be set when the device enters in the OV region, regardless the value of the VBATP OV bit. • WAKE_B can be used to enable an external power supply regulator to supply the VDDQ voltage rail. When the WAKE_B VDDQ check bit is a Logic [0], the WAKE_B pin is expected to be pulled-up internally or externally to VDDQ and VDDQ is expected to go low, therefore the 33978 does not wake-up on the falling edge of WAKE_B. A Logic [1], assumes the user is using an external pull-up to VBATP or VDDQ (when VDDQ is not expected to be off) and the IC wakes up on a falling edge of WAKE_B. • INT_B out is used to select how the INT_B pin operates when an interrupt occurs. The IC is able to pulse low [1] or latch low [0]. • Aconfig[1-0] is used to determine the method of selecting the AMUX output, either a SPI command or using a hardwired setup using SG[3-1]. • Inputs SP0-7 may be programmable for switch-to-battery or switch-to-ground. These inputs types are defined using the settings command. To set a SPn input for switch-to-battery, a logic [1] for the appropriate bit must be set. To set a SPn input for switch-toground, a logic [0] for the appropriate bit must be set. The MCU may change or update the programmable switch register via software at any time in Normal mode. Regardless of the setting, when the SPn input switch is closed a logic [1] is placed in the serial output response register.

2023-07-13 上传