16 www.xilinx.com ISE 10.1 In-Depth Tutorial
Chapter 1: Overview of ISE and Synthesis Tools
• Implement Design
Provides access to implementation tools, design flow reports, and point tools.
• Generate Programming File
Provides access to configuration tools and bitstream generation.
The Processes tab incorporates automake technology. This enables the user to select any
process in the flow and the software automatically runs the processes necessary to get to
the desired step. For example, when you run the Implement Design process, Project
Navigator also runs the Synthesis process because implementation is dependent on up-to-
date synthesis results.
Note: To view a running log of command line arguments used on the current project, expand Design
Utilities and select View Command Line Log File. See the Command Line Implementation section
of Chapter 5, “Design Implementation” for further details.
Transcript Window
The Transcript window contains five default tabs: Console, Errors, Warnings, Tcl Shell,
Find in Files.
• Console
Displays errors, warnings, and information messages. Errors are signified by a red (X)
next to the message, while warnings have a yellow exclamation mark (!).
• Warnings
Displays only warning messages. Other console messages are filtered out.
• Errors
Displays only error messages. Other console messages are filtered out.
• Tcl Shell
Is a user interactive console. In addition to displaying errors, warnings and
informational messages, the Tcl Shell allows a user to enter Project Navigator specific
Tcl commands. For more information on Tcl commands, see the ISE Help.
• Find in Files
Displays the results of the Edit > Find in Files function.
Error Navigation to Source
You can navigate from a synthesis error or warning message in the Transcript window to
the location of the error in a source HDL file. To do so, select the error or warning message,
right-click the mouse, and select Go to Source from the right-click menu.The HDL source
file opens and the cursor moves to the line with the error.
Error Navigation to Answer Record
You can navigate from an error or warning message in the Transcript window to relevant
Answer Records on the www.xilinx.com/support website. To navigate to the Answer
Record(s), select the error or warning message, right-click the mouse, and select Go to
Answer Record from the right-click menu. The default web browser opens and displays
all Answer Records applicable to this message.