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Based on the MATLAB deformation monitoring data processing and analysis" is a comprehensive study conducted at Nanchang University of Science and Technology in the Department of Hydrology and Ecology. The aim of this study is to explore the potential of MATLAB software in processing deformation monitoring data, with a focus on data validation and wavelet analysis.
The study begins by introducing the characteristics of MATLAB software and examining its relevance in the field of deformation monitoring. The research delves into the various applications of MATLAB in processing monitoring data, including data validation and wavelet analysis. Through practical examples and case studies, the study demonstrates the effectiveness of wavelet analysis in handling deformation monitoring data.
Key findings from the research include the importance of MATLAB in improving data accuracy and reliability, especially in the field of deformation monitoring. The study highlights the advantages of wavelet analysis in detecting small changes in monitoring data and enhancing signal-to-noise ratio. The findings provide valuable insights for researchers and practitioners in the field of deformation monitoring, showcasing the potential of MATLAB software in data processing and analysis.
In conclusion, "Based on the MATLAB deformation monitoring data processing and analysis" offers a comprehensive overview of the applications of MATLAB software in handling deformation monitoring data. The study emphasizes the significance of data validation and wavelet analysis in improving data quality and reliability. The research contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field of deformation monitoring and provides valuable insights for future research and development.
2025-03-10 上传
2025-03-10 上传
2025-03-10 上传
2025-03-10 上传

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