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物体导入是计算机图形学领域的一个关键步骤,特别是在使用像Quest3D这样的3D渲染软件时。在本书《》的2.3节中,作者详细介绍了如何在Quest3D中处理自定义模型的导入。Quest3D附带了一套内置的3D物体,但用户通常会需要使用第三方模型或者自己创建。要导入外部模型,首先必须将它们转换成Microsoft DirectX的.X格式,因为.X文件包含了物体的几何信息(如线框、表面)、纹理映射和动画数据,这些数据对于Quest3D的运行至关重要。 安装自定义3D模型导入所需的插件是一项基本任务,用户可以从Windows的开始菜单启动,进入Act-3D>Quest3D 3.6.6>Extras>Exporters路径进行操作。确保选择正确的插件子目录,特别是对于那些与3d Studio Max、Maya等建模软件兼容的Polytrans多边形转换插件。 章节中提到,附录A1提供了从3d Studio Max和Maya导入模型的详细指导,包括特定插件的使用方法。此外,翻译者【火嘯天】强调,该中文译本并非完全准确,因为原英文手册可能未及时更新以适应3.6.6版本的改变。他们采取了“更新版本+更新翻译”的策略,以蓝色字体标注英文原版的中文翻译,红色字体标记与程序接口不符的部分,并鼓励读者提出修改意见。 在翻译过程中,译者遵循直译与意译相结合的原则,力求保持与英文原版一致的版式和行文结构,便于对照阅读和纠正错误。同时,他们表示由于个人英语水平有限,可能存在错误,欢迎读者指正。翻译者特别感谢了那些在翻译过程中给予支持的人,并提醒读者在引用时注明来源。 这部分内容涵盖了物体导入的基本流程,从模型格式转换到特定软件插件的安装,以及针对不同建模软件的导入教程,对于想要在Quest3D中使用自定义模型的用户来说,这是不可或缺的知识。
2019-05-26 上传
Title: Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments, 3rd Edition Author: Sumanta Guha Length: 760 pages Edition: 3 Language: English Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC Publication Date: 2019-01-07 ISBN-10: 1138612642 ISBN-13: 9781138612648 Description COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE OF SHADERS AND THE PROGRAMMABLE PIPELINE From geometric primitives to animation to 3D modeling to lighting, shading and texturing, Computer Graphics Through OpenGL®: From Theory to Experiments is a comprehensive introduction to computer graphics which uses an active learning style to teach key concepts. Equally emphasizing theory and practice, the book provides an understanding not only of the principles of 3D computer graphics, but also the use of the OpenGL® Application Programming Interface (API) to code 3D scenes and animation, including games and movies. The undergraduate core of the book takes the student from zero knowledge of computer graphics to a mastery of the fundamental concepts with the ability to code applications using fourth-generation OpenGL®. The remaining chapters explore more advanced topics, including the structure of curves and surfaces, applications of projective spaces and transformations and the implementation of graphics pipelines. This book can be used for introductory undergraduate computer graphics courses over one to two semesters. The careful exposition style attempting to explain each concept in the simplest terms possible should appeal to the self-study student as well. Features Covers the foundations of 3D computer graphics, including animation, visual techniques and 3D modeling Comprehensive coverage of OpenGL® 4.x, including the GLSL and vertex, fragment, tessellation and geometry shaders Includes 180 programs with 270 experiments based on them Contains 750 exercises, 110 worked examples, and 700 four-color illustrations Requires no previous knowledge of computer graphics Balances theory with programming practice using a hands-on interacti
2019-05-26 上传
Title: Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments, 3rd Edition--true PDF Author: Sumanta Guha Length: 760 pages Edition: 3 Language: English Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC Publication Date: 2019-01-07 ISBN-10: 1138612642 ISBN-13: 9781138612648 Description COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE OF SHADERS AND THE PROGRAMMABLE PIPELINE From geometric primitives to animation to 3D modeling to lighting, shading and texturing, Computer Graphics Through OpenGL®: From Theory to Experiments is a comprehensive introduction to computer graphics which uses an active learning style to teach key concepts. Equally emphasizing theory and practice, the book provides an understanding not only of the principles of 3D computer graphics, but also the use of the OpenGL® Application Programming Interface (API) to code 3D scenes and animation, including games and movies. The undergraduate core of the book takes the student from zero knowledge of computer graphics to a mastery of the fundamental concepts with the ability to code applications using fourth-generation OpenGL®. The remaining chapters explore more advanced topics, including the structure of curves and surfaces, applications of projective spaces and transformations and the implementation of graphics pipelines. This book can be used for introductory undergraduate computer graphics courses over one to two semesters. The careful exposition style attempting to explain each concept in the simplest terms possible should appeal to the self-study student as well. Features Covers the foundations of 3D computer graphics, including animation, visual techniques and 3D modeling Comprehensive coverage of OpenGL® 4.x, including the GLSL and vertex, fragment, tessellation and geometry shaders Includes 180 programs with 270 experiments based on them Contains 750 exercises, 110 worked examples, and 700 four-color illustrations Requires no previous knowledge of computer graphics Balances theory with programming practice using a hands-on