Low-Cost and Confidentiality-Preserving Data
Acquisition for Internet of Multimedia Things
Yushu Zhang , Member, IEEE, Qi He, Yong Xiang , Senior Member, IEEE,
, Member, IEEE, Bo Liu, Junxin Chen, and Yiyuan Xie
Abstract—Internet of Multimedia Things (IoMT) faces the
challenge of how to realize low-cost data acquisition while still
preserve data confidentiality. In this paper, we present a low-
cost and confidentiality-preserving data acquisition framework
for IoMT. First, we harness chaotic convolution and random sub-
sampling to capture multiple image signals. The measurement
matrix is under the control of chaos, ensuring the security of
the sampling process. Next, we assemble these sampled images
into a big master image, and then encrypt this master image
based on Arnold transform and single value diffusion. The
computation of these two transforms only requires some low-
complexity operations. Finally, the encrypted image is delivered
to cloud servers for storage and decryption service. Experimental
results demonstrate the security and effectiveness of the proposed
Index Terms—Big image data, chaotic encryption, compressive
sensing (CS), Internet of Multimedia Things (IoMT).
NTERNET of Multimedia Things (IoMT) focuses on
the interaction and cooperation of heterogeneous mul-
timedia things and can promote multimedia-based ser-
vices and applications in comparison with the Internet of
Things (IoT) [1]–[5]. In the era of IoMT and big data,
multimedia data, which are acquired by various multimedia
Manuscript received June 30, 2017; revised August 25, 2017, October 23,
2017, and November 27, 2017; accepted December 6, 2017. Date of pub-
lication December 11, 2017; date of current version November 14, 2018.
This work was supported in part by the Fundamental Research Funds for
the Central Universities under Grant XDJK2017B046, in part by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61702221, Grant 61502399,
Grant 61572089, Grant 61602158, Grant 61672038, and Grant U1536204, in
part by the National Key Research and Development Plan of China under
Grant 2017YFB0802203, and in part by the 863 Program of China under
Grant 2015AA016304. (Corresponding author: Leo Yu Zhang.)
Y. Zhang is with the Chongqing University Key Laboratory of Networks
and Cloud Computing Security, School of Electronics and Information
Engineering, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China, and also with
the School of Information Technology, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC 3125,
Australia (e-mail: yushuboshi@163.com).
Q. He and Y. Xie are with the Chongqing University Key Laboratory
of Networks and Cloud Computing Security, School of Electronics and
Information Engineering, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
(e-mail: tsj2569420026@163.com; xieyiyuan1000@hotmail.com).
Y. Xiang and L. Y. Zhang are with the School of Information
Technology, Deakin University, Australia (e-mail: yxiang@deakin.edu.au;
B. Liu is with the Department of Engineering, La Trobe University,
Melbourne, VIC 3086, Australia (e-mail: b.liu2@latrobe.edu.au).
J. Chen is with the Sino-Dutch Biomedical and Information Engineering
School, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110169, China (e-mail:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JIOT.2017.2781737
sensors, are encountered daily. For these multimedia big data
acquisition, two main challenges need to be coped with. One
challenge is to realize low-cost sampling and compression
encoding, due to sensors’ limited computation resources and
large data volume. It is noteworthy that compression encoding
can reduce the transmission bandwidth consumption and then
save the power for the sensors. The second challenge is to
protect the data confidentiality during and after the sampling
process, thus avoid illegal users to extract valuable information
even though the sensors are compromised.
To meet the requirement posed by the first challenge, com-
pressive sensing (CS) has become a promising approach for
data collection in IoT [6]–[8]. The advantage of CS is to simul-
taneously complete data sampling and compression based on
the sparsity of the data to be sampled. With CS, a great deal of
computation complexity has been shifted from the sampling
side to the reconstruction side in the sense that the sampling
complexity is linear in the dimension of the data while the
reconstruction complexity is cubic. Such a favorable property
of CS fits exactly the requirement of IoT, where resource-
limited sensors communicate with a powerful data center. In
line with this observation, many works advocate the adoption
of CS technology for IoT applications. Fragkiadakis et al. [6]
suggested an adaptive CS framework involving IoT applica-
tions in which a central smart object leverages a learning
phase and provides feedback to the rest of the smart objects.
Li et al. [7] investigated how CS can be used to perform
data sampling and reconstruction for different information sys-
tems in IoT. Dixon et al. [8] considered some CS systems for
electrocardiogram (ECG) and electromyogram (EMG) wire-
less biosensors by taking advantage of the sparsity of ECG
and EMG signals.
In addition to efficiency considerations, there also have
been many works on the security aspect of CS. Typically,
they treat the measurement matrix as the secret key and the
CS encoding and decoding processes, respectively, as the
encryption and decryption of the cryptosystem. Among all,
Rachlin and Baron [9] were the first one to demonstrate that
this cryptosystem can offer computational secrecy but it does
not possess Shannon’s perfect secrecy. Cambareri et al. [10]
devised a low-complexity multiclass CS encryption framework
by distributing the same encoded measurements to receivers
that have different classes of decoding matrices. This multi-
class encryption framework was further discussed in [11], in
which a quantitative analysis against known-plaintext attacks
was given. Bianchi et al. demonstrated that one-time random
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