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"《机器学习与概率图模型》是北京大学信息科学技术学院王立威教授的一部著作或讲义,主要探讨了机器学习的基本概念、图形模型的应用以及经典的机器学习任务。该内容涵盖了机器学习的广泛领域,包括但不限于概率图模型的表示、推断和学习过程。 在讲座的概述部分,王教授首先给出了机器学习的简要介绍,强调它是通过经验学习,旨在通过特定任务(如垃圾邮件过滤、人脸识别)的性能改进来提升算法的能力。这里引用了Tom Mitchell的定义,即一个计算机程序如果随着经验E在其执行的任务T上的性能度量P提高,那么我们说它在学习。 接下来,王教授列举了"经典"机器学习任务的几个例子,包括分类(如垃圾邮件识别)、回归(如霍克定律和开普勒定律的预测)、排名(如搜索引擎排序)以及概率估计(如数据分布的估计)。这些任务展示了机器学习在实际问题中的广泛应用。 在算法层面,讲解了几种常用的机器学习方法,如支持向量机(SVM)作为具有大间隔分类器的代表性算法,其通过 hinge loss 的最小化和正则化实现。此外,还有集成学习方法,如提升(Boosting)算法,它隐含地追求更大的分类间隔,以及随机森林(Random Forest)和袋装法(Bagging),它们用于分类和回归任务。 深度神经网络(Deep Neural Networks)也被提及,这是一类强大的非线性模型,广泛应用于各种复杂的学习场景。回归任务中,除了SVM,还介绍了lasso回归,这是一种通过L1正则化进行特征选择的模型,以及Boosting算法的进一步应用。 《机器学习与概率图模型》深入浅出地探讨了理论基础、实际应用和实用算法,对于理解和实践机器学习具有很高的参考价值。"
2018-07-03 上传
Statistical learning refers to a set of tools for modeling and understanding complex datasets. It is a recently developed area in statistics and blends with parallel developments in computer science and, in particular, machine learning. The field encompasses many methods such as the lasso and sparse regression, classification and regression trees, and boosting and support vector machines. With the explosion of “Big Data” problems, statistical learning has be- come a very hot field in many scientific areas as well as marketing, finance, and other business disciplines. People with statistical learning skills are in high demand. One of the first books in this area—The Elements of Statistical Learning (ESL) (Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman)—was published in 2001, with a second edition in 2009. ESL has become a popular text not only in statis- tics but also in related fields. One of the reasons for ESL’s popularity is its relatively accessible style. But ESL is intended for individuals with ad- vanced training in the mathematical sciences. An Introduction to Statistical Learning (ISL) arose from the perceived need for a broader and less tech- nical treatment of these topics. In this new book, we cover many of the same topics as ESL, but we concentrate more on the applications of the methods and less on the mathematical details. We have created labs illus- trating how to implement each of the statistical learning methods using the popular statistical software package R . These labs provide the reader with valuable hands-on experience.
2024-10-16 上传