使用Selenium WebDriver实战网页自动化测试

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"Selenium WebDriver 实践指南PDF" 《Selenium WebDriver 实践指南》是一本由Satya Avasarala编写的书籍,专注于教授读者如何交互式地自动化Web应用程序,利用Selenium WebDriver这一强大的工具。这本书是针对那些想要深入了解和应用Selenium WebDriver进行Web测试自动化的读者设计的。 Selenium WebDriver是Selenium框架的一部分,它允许开发者通过编程来控制浏览器,执行各种网页操作,如点击链接、填写表单、模拟用户交互等。它支持多种浏览器,包括Chrome、Firefox、Internet Explorer、Safari和Edge,且跨平台运行,可以在Windows、Linux和Mac OS上使用。 在本书中,读者将学习到: 1. **Selenium WebDriver基础**:了解Selenium WebDriver的核心概念,包括如何安装和配置WebDriver,以及如何设置开发环境。 2. **API和命令**:熟悉WebDriver提供的各种API,如打开网页、查找元素、执行JavaScript等,以及如何编写测试脚本。 3. **元素定位**:掌握不同的元素定位策略,如ID、name、CSS选择器、XPath等,以便精准定位页面上的元素。 4. **交互操作**:学习如何模拟用户与页面的交互,如点击、输入文本、选择下拉框选项等。 5. **异常处理和断言**:理解如何在测试脚本中处理预期和未预期的错误,以及如何添加断言来验证测试结果。 6. **页面对象模型**:深入探讨页面对象模式,这是一种最佳实践,可以帮助保持测试代码的整洁和可维护性。 7. **测试框架集成**:了解如何将Selenium WebDriver与JUnit、TestNG等测试框架集成,构建自动化测试套件。 8. **并行测试**:学习如何利用多线程或分布式测试来提高测试效率,例如使用Selenium Grid。 9. **持续集成**:将Selenium WebDriver测试与Jenkins、Travis CI等持续集成工具集成,实现自动化测试的流水线化。 10. **最佳实践和调试**:学习自动化测试的最佳实践,包括代码组织、日志记录、测试数据管理,以及如何有效地调试测试脚本。 通过本书的学习,读者不仅能够熟练掌握Selenium WebDriver的使用,还能建立起一套完整的Web自动化测试流程,提高软件测试的效率和质量。不过,值得注意的是,书中信息虽然尽可能准确,但作者和出版商不对任何直接或间接因使用本书内容造成的损害负责,读者在实际应用时应结合具体情况谨慎操作。
2018-08-27 上传
Book Description Selenium WebDriver is an open source automation tool implemented through a browser-specific driver, which sends commands to a browser and retrieves results. The latest version of Selenium 3 brings with it a lot of new features that change the way you use and setup Selenium WebDriver. This book covers all those features along with the source code, including a demo website that allows you to work with an HMTL5 application and other examples throughout the book. Selenium WebDriver 3 Practical Guide will walk you through the various APIs of Selenium WebDriver, which are used in automation tests, followed by a discussion of the various WebDriver implementations available. You will learn to strategize and handle rich web UI using advanced WebDriver API along with real-time challenges faced in WebDriver and solutions to handle them. You will discover different types and domains of testing such as cross-browser testing, load testing, and mobile testing with Selenium. Finally, you will also be introduced to data-driven testing using TestNG to create your own automation framework. By the end of this book, you will be able to select any web application and automate it the way you want. What you will learn Understand what Selenium 3 is and how is has been improved than its predecessor Use different mobile and desktop browser platforms with Selenium 3 Perform advanced actions, such as drag-and-drop and action builders on web page Learn to use Java 8 API and Selenium 3 together Explore remote WebDriver and discover how to use it Perform cross browser and distributed testing with Selenium Grid Use Actions API for performing various keyboard and mouse actions Who this book is for Selenium WebDriver 3 Practical Guide is for software quality assurance/testing professionals, software project managers, or software developers interested in using Selenium for testing their applications. Prior programming experience in Java is necessary. Table of Contents Introducing WebDriver and WebElements Working with Browser Drivers Using Java 8 features along with Selenium Exploring the Features of WebDriver Exploring Advanced Interactions of WebDriver Understanding WebDriver Events Exploring RemoteWebDriver Setting up Selenium Grid The PageObject Pattern Mobile Testing on iOS and Android using Appium Data Driven Testing with TestNG Assessments