COL 10(Suppl.), S10901(2012) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS June 30, 2012
Laplacian reconstruction of one single hologram using two
different reconstruction distances or wavelengths
Chao Zuo ( )
, Qian Chen ( aaa), Guohua Gu (IIIuuu), Xiubao Sui (???), and Jianle Ren (???ïïïWWW)
National Defense Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Engineering,
Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China
Corresponding author:
Received August 15, 2011; accepted October 26, 2011; posted online April 27, 2012
A novel numerical algorithm is proposed to reconstruct the Laplacian of an object field from one single
in-line hologram. This method uses two different reconstruction distances of z and z +∆z, or two different
reconstruction wavelengths of λ and λ+∆λ to reconstruct one digital in-line hologram. Theoretical analysis
shows that when the value of ∆z or ∆λ is sufficiently small, the difference of the two reconstructed fields
is an approximation t o the second-order Laplacian differentiation of the object wave, and the zero-order
and “twin-image” noise can be almost eliminated simultaneously. Computer numerical simulations and
optical experiments are carried out to validate the effectiveness of t his algorithm.
OCIS codes: 090.1995, 050.1970, 110.3010, 100.2980.
doi: 10.3788/COL201210.S10901.
Since the development of high resolution cameras
and computer techniques, digital holography has been
widely applied to many different fields, such as
, particle image velocimetry
, and defor-
mation analysis
. Compared with the conventional
holographic technique, numerical reconstruction offers
various possibilities for information recovery. Two forms
of digital holographic recording are in-line and off-axis.
Given the angle between the reference and object beams,
digital holograms recorded using off-a xis geometr y do not
fully utilize the available spac e -bandwidth product of the
. In-line architecture remains the mode of choice
in many cases, with method phase retr ieval
or phase
being used for reconstruction.
Methods of differential reconstruction of an optical
wave field have recently been proposed, which differ
from the direct reconstruction of the orig inal object wave
. The spatial derivative of an optical wave field
can b e use d for enhancing the edges of objects, auto-
matic focusing, and holographic reconstruction of thr e e -
dimensional objects
. It has bee n shown that, by Fres-
nel propagating the difference of two such hologra ms ,
recorded at two displaced planes
or with different
, the resultant reconstruction is an approx-
imation to the Laplacian sec ond order differentiation of
the object wave field.
In this letter, a new algorithm to realize the Lapla-
cian differential reconstruction of an optical wave field
is prese nted. This method only needs one in-line digital
hologram captured at a certain distance with a certa in
wavelength by CCD, then uses two different distances or
wavelengths to reconstruct it. By subtracting the two re-
constructed wave fields, the result is approximately equal
to the Laplacian second-order differe ntiation of the ob-
ject wave in the transverse direction. The principles, sim-
ulations, a nd experimental results are explained below.
The basic principle of in-line holography recording is il-
lustrated using the schematic shown in Fig. 1. The inten-
sity of the incident coherent beam, diffr acted when cross-
ing the object and free propagated beyond is reco rded on
the digital camera. The reference and the object waves
are not sepa rate beams, but a unique one. This simplified
recording setup gives a good stability in adequation with
industrial application constr aints.
Suppose the complex-amplitude distribution of the ob-
ject wave in the object plane (corresponding to z = 0 in
the z axis) is o(x, y, 0). The resulting interference pattern
is recorded at the c amera plane located at a distance of
z from the object plane. The intensity hologra m pattern
can be written in the form of
I(x, y, z) = |r(x, y)|
+ |o(x, y, z)|
+ r(x, y)o
(x, y, z) + r
(x, y)o(x, y, z), (1)
where r(x, y) stands for the reference plane wave, and
o(x, y, z) is the diffraction patterns of the object o(x, y, 0)
at the recording plane z. The object wave fields o(x, y, z)
can be expressed using the scalar diffraction theory as
o(x, y, z) = F
O(ξ, η, 0) exp
− (ξ
+ η
where F
represents the inverse Fo urier transform op-
eration, and O(ξ, η, 0) denotes the Fourier transform of
o(x, y, 0). In the Fresnel paraxial approximation, Eq. (2)
can be simplified as
o(x, y, z) = exp
· F
O(ξ, η, 0) exp
+ η
. (3)
Let us assume that the hologram reconstruction is
achieved by illumination with plane-wave reference, as
with clas sical holography. This process now could be
modeled numerically by propagating from the camer a
Fig. 1. In-line digital holography setup.
1671-7694/2012/SS10901(4) S10901-1
2012 Chinese Optics Letters