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"《PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice 第五版》是一本针对PHP开发者的经典著作,最新更新至PHP 7版本,反映了语言的最新发展。该书不仅深入讲解了PHP面向对象编程(OOP)的核心特性,如类、对象和封装,还着重介绍了设计模式在PHP中的应用,帮助开发者掌握如何构建强大且可维护的代码。 第五版新增内容包括对Composer的全面介绍,这是一种现代的包管理器,替代了早期的PEAR包管理器,使得项目管理更为高效。书中还涵盖了Vagrant,这是一种流行的虚拟化工具,对于开发环境的管理和部署具有重要意义。此外,作者还强调了遵循PHP标准的重要性,以确保代码的可读性和一致性。 本书的核心部分是通过实例演示和深入剖析,教授读者如何运用设计模式,如工厂模式、单例模式和策略模式等,提升软件设计的灵活性和复用性。同时,书中会涉及到实用的开发工具和实践技巧,如单元测试、持续集成和部署流程,这些都是开发出健壮、可靠的代码所必需的技能。 《PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice》是一本既适合初学者系统学习PHP OOP和设计模式,也适合经验丰富的开发者提升代码质量和工程实践的书籍。无论你是希望通过学习新的语言特性还是优化开发流程,这本书都能提供扎实的基础和实际指导。这是一本值得每个PHP开发者案头必备的参考书。"
2016-12-23 上传
The 5th edition of this popular book has been fully updated for PHP 7, including replacing the PEAR package manager with Composer, and new material on Vagrant and PHP standards. It provides a solid grounding in PHP’s support for objects, it builds on this foundation to instill core principles of software design and then covers the tools and practices needed to develop, test and deploy robust code. PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice begins by covering PHP’s object-oriented features. It introduces key topics including class declaration, inheritance, reflection and much more. The next section is devoted to design patterns. It explains the principles that make patterns powerful. The book covers many of the classic design patterns and includes chapters on enterprise and database patterns. The last segment of the book covers the tools and practices that can help turn great code into a successful project. The section shows how to manage multiple developers and releases with git, how to manage builds and dependencies with Composer. It also explores strategies for automated testing and continuous integration. Taken together these three elements: object fundamentals, design principles, and best practice will help the reader develop elegant and rock solid systems. PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice: Describes and demonstrates PHP’s built-in object-oriented features Breaks down the principles of object-oriented design, explaining key design patterns using practical examples. Discusses the tools and practices necessary for developing, testing and deploying exemplary applications. What You’ll Learn: How to work with object fundamentals: writing classes and methods, instantiating objects, creating powerful class hierarchies using inheritance. Master advanced object-oriented features, including static methods and properties, managing error conditions with exceptions, and creating abstract classes and interfaces. Learn about the new object-oriented features introduced by PHP 7 and why they matter for your code. Understand and use design principles to deploy objects and classes effectively in your projects. Learn about design patterns, their purpose, structure and the underlying principles that govern them. Discover a set of powerful patterns that you can deploy in your own projects. Learn about the tools and practices that can guarantee a successful project including unit testing; version control, build, installation and package management; and continuous integration. Who This Book is For: This book is suitable for anyone with at least a basic knowledge of PHP who wants to use its object-oriented features in their projects. Those who already know their interfaces from their abstracts may well still find it hard to use these features in their systems. They will benefit from the book’s emphasis on design. They will learn how to choose and combine the participants of a system; how to read design patterns and how to use them in their code. Finally this book is for PHP coders who want to learn about the practices and tools (version control, testing, continuous integration, etc) that can make projects safe, elegant and stable.