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Images are a crucial source of information for humans to access and exchange. Nowadays, the application fields of image processing have expanded to various aspects of human life and work, such as aerospace and aviation technology, industry and engineering, military and public security, biomedical engineering, and so on. In image processing systems, real-time image acquisition is the front-end part of the entire system and is also the most important part of the system. The speed and quality of image acquisition at the front end directly affect the algorithm processing and applications at the back end of the image processing system. This paper mainly focuses on the design of the front-end part of the image processing system, which is the acquisition of video signals. In this design, the CMOS image sensor OV7670 is used to capture real-time images of the external world, and the output signal format of the image sensor is configured through the initialization module designed internally in the FPGA. According to the timing of its output signal, a capture unit is designed internally in the FPGA. The captured data is sent to the TFT LCD screen for real-time display and another path is sent to the SRAM buffer. After the storage of a complete frame of image is finished, the image is processed in the NIOS II soft core and the processing result is stored in the external storage SD card as an image.
Keywords: FPGA; Real-time image; CMOS; Image acquisition.
2021-07-13 上传
2021-07-13 上传
2021-07-13 上传
126 浏览量
2021-07-13 上传
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