Metamorphic growth of 1.55 μm InGaAs/InGaAsP
multiple quantum wells laser structures
on GaAs substrates
Xiaobo Li (李小波)
, Yongqing Huang (黄永清)
*, Jun Wang (王 俊)
Xiaofeng Duan (段晓峰)
, Ruikang Zhang (张瑞康)
, Yehong Li (李业弘)
Zheng Liu (刘 正)
, Qi Wang (王 琦)
, Xia Zhang (张 霞)
, and Xiaomin Ren (任晓敏)
Institute of Information Photonics and Optical Communications, Beijing University of Posts
and Telecommunications (BUPT); State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics
and Optical Communications (BUPT), Beijing 100876, China
Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials Science, Institute of Semiconductors,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083, China
*Corresponding author: yqhuang@bupt.edu.cn; **Corresponding author: xmren@bupt.edu.cn
Received September 29, 2014; accepted November 14, 2014; posted online February 24, 2015
We fabricate a GaAs-based InGaAs/InGaAsP multiple quantum wells (MQWs) laser at 1.55 μm. Using two-step
growth method and thermal cyclic annealing, a thin low-temperature InP layer and a thick InP buffer layer are
grown on GaAs substrates by low-pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition technology. Then, high-
quality MQWs laser structures are grown on the InP buffer layer. Under quasi-continuous wave (QCW) con-
dition, a threshold current of 476 mA and slope efficiency of 0.15 mW/mA are achieved for a broad area device
with 50 μm wide strip and 500 μm long cavity at room-temperature. The peak wavelength of emission spectrum is
1549.5 nm at 700 mA. The device is operating for more than 2000 h at room-temperature and 600 mA.
OCIS codes: 140.0140, 160.6000, 140.5960.
doi: 10.3788/COL201513.031401.
Long-wavelength (1.55 or 1.31 μm) semiconductor lasers
are the essential devices in the fiber communication sys-
tems. InP-based optoelectronic devices are essential for
optical communication and have shown great potential
for long-distance fiber communication, such as lasers and
. Most of comme rcial 1.55 μm semiconductor
lasers are InP-based InGaAsP lasers. Unsatisfactorily,
some insufficient of InP substrates, such as high cost
and frailness, limit some applications in several areas
(large area integrated devices)
. GaAs substrates have
many good performances, such as relatively low cost
and good mechanical properties, which can make up for
the inadequacy of InP substrates. Moreover, GaAs-based
integrated circuit (IC) technology is relatively mature in
comparison with that of InP-based IC
. If GaAs elec-
tronic devices and InP-related optoelectronic devices are
combined with GaAs substrates, optoelectronic ICs could
be realized easily, and the optical fiber communication
systems can be made an important progress
. Therefore,
the technology of growth high-quality InP-based epilayers
on GaAs substrates have been attracted considerable
attention recently
However, a large number of threading dislocations will
appear when InP layers are directly grown more than
5 nm thick on GaAs substrates under normal growth
conditions, because there is 3.8% lattice mismatch of
InP/GaAs heterostructure
. In order to obtain high-
quality InP epilayers on GaAs substrates for devices,
the two-step growth method, thermal cyclic annealing
(TCA) and strained-layer superlattice (SLS) are widely
. In 1991, Kimura et al. fabricated a 1.3 μm
InGaAsP/InP quantum well (QW) laser and a PIN photo-
diode (PD) on GaAs substrates
. In our previous work,
we have completed some works on metamorphic growth of
InP epilayers on Ga As substrates by using two-step
growth method, TCA and SLS. In 2007, we grew high-
quality InP epilayers on GaAs substrates, in which the
full-widths at half-maximum (FWHM) of X-ray diffrac-
tion (XRD) ω scans were 219 arcsec for a 2.6 μm thick het-
eroepitaxial InP
. In 2009, we successfully fabricated a
PIN PD on GaAs substrate and the quantum efficiency of
the PD was 67.3% at 1549.5 nm
. In 2014, we fabricated
a high-efficiency dual-absorption InGaAs/InP PD on
GaAs substrates, in which the quantum efficiency was
64% at a wavelength of 1522 nm, beside, the 3 dB band-
width was 26 GHz
At present, four approaches are used for 1.55 μm range
GaAs-based lasers. The first one is InP/GaAs wafer bond-
ing technology. The device is based on fusion of the
InGaAsP active layer grown on InP substrates and the
AlGaAs Bragg reflectors grown on GaAs substrates
But, this technology is too complex and difficult to be used
to produce diode lasers with low-cost
. The second one is
growth of GaInNAsSb QW laser materials on GaAs sub-
, while the peak wavelength was not easy to con-
trol. The third one is to use In(Ga)As/GaAs quantum
dots (QDs) as the active region
. The fourth one is
to use InGaAs/GaAs QW as the active r egion which is
grown on metamorphic InGaAs layers deposited on GaAs
. Both QDs and QW lasers have common
COL 13(3), 031401(2015) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS March 10, 2015
1671-7694/2015/031401(5) 031401-1 © 2015 Chinese Optics Letters