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The project "180210305-王婷-图象处理大作业" focuses on implementing various image processing techniques using the Lena image. The specific tasks include: 1. Image input, display, and output 2. Generating noise with 0 mean and varying levels of variance (3-5 levels) 3. Generating interference signals at 3-5 different levels 4. Generating noisy images with different signal-to-noise ratios 5. Generating interference images with different signal-to-interference ratios 6. Implementing image denoising and enhancement, showcasing the original image, noise image, and interference image 7. Quantitative analysis of denoising: How much did the signal-to-noise ratio improve? How much did the signal-to-interference ratio improve? 8. Image sharpening and enhancement, displaying the original image, noise image, interference image, reduced interference image, and denoised image 9. Qualitative analysis of image sharpening The experiment was conducted using the following tools: Matlab 2019b and PyCharm with OpenCV. The results indicated that the various image processing techniques significantly improved the quality of the Lena image, demonstrating the effectiveness of denoising, interference reduction, and image sharpening. The project was completed by 王婷 with student number 180210305 under the guidance of the instructor 张弛亚.