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"CloudNativeInfrastructure - 由Justin Garrison和Kris Nova编著的关于在动态环境中构建可扩展基础设施和应用的模式" 《Cloud Native Infrastructure》这本书由两位作者Justin Garrison和Kris Nova撰写,他们深入探讨了在现代IT行业中如何构建稳定且可扩展的基础设施,特别是在动态环境中的应用管理。书中的核心理念是云原生(Cloud Native)的概念,这是当前企业基础设施管理的一个重要趋势。 云原生基础设施主要关注通过应用程序层来管理基础设施,这种方式使得企业能够更加灵活、高效地处理他们的IT需求。书中提到的Kubernetes是这种新范式的典型代表,它是一个强大的容器编排系统,允许开发者和运维人员在大规模集群上部署、管理和扩展容器化应用。 在描述中,作者提到了他个人的从业经历,包括对Terraform、Kubernetes、Go编程语言和Kops等项目的贡献,这些工具都是云原生领域的重要组成部分。Terraform用于基础设施即代码(Infrastructure as Code),确保基础设施配置的版本控制和可重复性;Kubernetes则提供了自动化服务发现、负载均衡和容错能力,使得应用程序可以在分布式环境中高效运行;Go语言则以其简洁、高效的特性成为构建大规模分布式系统的首选语言之一;而Kops则是Kubernetes的部署和操作工具,简化了Kubernetes集群的管理。 书中可能会涵盖以下知识点: 1. **云原生架构**:解释云原生的基本原则,如微服务、持续交付、容器化以及声明式API等,这些都是构建弹性、可伸缩系统的关键元素。 2. **Kubernetes详解**:深入剖析Kubernetes的核心组件,如Pods、Services、Deployments、StatefulSets等,以及如何利用它们构建和管理复杂的应用架构。 3. **容器技术**:介绍Docker等容器技术,它们如何封装应用及其依赖,实现轻量级的隔离和快速部署。 4. **基础设施即代码**:探讨Terraform和其他IAC工具,如何通过代码来定义和管理基础设施,确保一致性并简化运维流程。 5. **自动化与监控**:讲解自动化运维工具,如Prometheus和Grafana,以及如何设置监控和警报系统以确保系统的健康运行。 6. **DevOps文化**:讨论DevOps实践,如持续集成和持续部署(CI/CD),以及如何促进开发和运维团队之间的协作。 7. **安全性**:介绍云原生环境下的安全策略,如网络策略、秘密管理以及容器安全最佳实践。 8. **故障恢复与容错**:阐述如何设计高可用系统,包括备份、灾难恢复计划和故障切换机制。 9. **案例研究**:提供真实世界的企业案例,展示云原生基础设施如何帮助公司解决实际问题,提升业务效率。 这本书对于想要深入了解云原生基础设施和应用管理的IT专业人士来说,无疑是一份宝贵的资源,它将帮助读者掌握在动态环境下构建和管理可扩展基础设施的最新技术和策略。
2018-01-13 上传
Businesses today are evolving so rapidly that having their own infrastructure to support their expansion is not feasible. As a result, they have been resorting to the elasticity of the cloud to provide a platform to build and deploy their highly scalable applications. This book will be the one stop for you to learn all about building cloud-native architectures in Python. It will begin by introducing you to cloud-native architecture and will help break it down for you. Then you'll learn how to build microservices in Python using REST API's in an event-driven approach and you will build the web layer. Next, you'll learn about interacting with data services and building web views with React, after which we will take a detailed look at application security and performance. Then, you'll also learn how to Dockerize your services. And finally, you'll learn how to deploy the application on the AWS and Azure platforms. We will end the book by discussing some concepts and techniques around troubleshooting problems that might occur with your applications after you've deployed them. This book will teach you how to craft applications that are built as small standard units, using all the proven best practices and avoiding the usual traps. It's a practical book; we're going to build everything using Python 3 and its amazing tooling ecosystem. The book will take you on a journey, the destination of which is the creation of a complete Python application based on microservices over the cloud platform.