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"基于太赫兹时域光谱系统的动物组织特性分析" 文章详细探讨了使用太赫兹时域光谱技术(THz TDS)研究新鲜动物组织的特性的方法和发现。研究团队通过该系统获取了不同厚度的动物组织切片的太赫兹脉冲传输光谱,这些组织包括但不限于肌肉、脂肪、肝脏等。通过对这些光谱数据的分析,研究人员得以计算和讨论了各组织的折射率、吸收系数和消光系数。 折射率是衡量光在组织中传播速度相对于真空或空气中速度的比例,它反映了光在组织内的传播特性。吸收系数则表示光能量在穿越组织过程中被吸收的程度,而消光系数综合考虑了吸收和散射对光的影响。这些参数对于理解组织对太赫兹辐射的响应至关重要,也有助于识别不同类型的组织。 文章提到了双德拜模型(Double Debye Model),这是一个广泛用于描述复杂材料热弛豫过程的理论模型。在这个模型中,研究人员模拟和计算了动物组织的参数,以解释实验观察到的光谱特性。双德拜模型能够捕捉到组织内分子弛豫的两个不同时间尺度,从而更准确地描绘组织的动态行为。 实验结果与理论预测相吻合,表明THz TDS是一种有效的工具,可用于非侵入性地研究生物组织的物理特性。这对于医学诊断、生物成像以及食品和药物安全检测等领域具有潜在的应用价值。例如,太赫兹光谱可以用于区分肿瘤组织和正常组织,或者在食品工业中检测产品的新鲜度和纯度。 此外,这项工作还强调了太赫兹技术在生物医学领域的前景,因为它能在不损害样本的情况下提供丰富的信息,并且可以在活体组织上进行测试。未来的研究可能进一步探索太赫兹光谱在更广泛的生物组织和病理条件下的应用,甚至可能发展出新的早期疾病检测方法。 "基于太赫兹时域光谱系统的动物组织特性分析"是一项深入研究,它利用THz TDS揭示了动物组织对太赫兹辐射的独特响应,这将有助于推动太赫兹技术在生命科学和医学中的应用。

润色下面英文:The controlled drug delivery systems, due to their precise control of drug release in spatiotemporal level triggered by specific stimulating factors and advantages such as higher utilization ratio of drug, less side-effects to normal tissues and so forth, provide a new strategy for the precise treatment of many serious diseases, especially tumors. The materials that constitute the controlled drug delivery systems are called “smart materials” and they can respond to the stimuli of some internal (pH, redox, enzymes, etc.) or external (temperature, electrical/magnetic, ultrasonic and optical, etc.) environments. Before and after the response to the specific stimulus, the composition or conformational of smart materials will be changed, damaging the original balance of the delivery systems and releasing the drug from the delivery systems. Amongst them, the photo-controlled drug delivery systems, which display drug release controlled by light, demonstrated extensive potential applications, and received wide attention from researchers. In recent years, photo-controlled drug delivery systems based on different photo-responsive groups have been designed and developed for precise photo-controlled release of drugs. Herein, in this review, we introduced four photo-responsive groups including photocleavage groups, photoisomerization groups, photo-induced rearrangement groups and photocrosslinking groups, and their different photo-responsive mechanisms. Firstly, the photocleavage groups represented by O-nitrobenzyl are able to absorb the energy of the photons, inducing the cleavage of some specific covalent bonds. Secondly, azobenzenes, as a kind of photoisomerization groups, are able to convert reversibly between the apolar trans form and the polar cis form upon different light irradiation. Thirdly, 2-diazo-1,2-naphthoquinone as the representative of the photo-induced rearrangement groups will absorb specific photon energy, carrying out Wolff rearrangement reaction. Finally, coumarin is a promising category photocrosslinking groups that can undergo [2+2] cycloaddition reactions under light irradiation. The research progress of photo-controlled drug delivery systems based on different photo-responsive mechanisms were mainly reviewed. Additionally, the existing problems and the future research perspectives of photo-controlled drug delivery systems were proposed.

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