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Chapter 5 of the operating system courseware covers the topic of CPU scheduling, which is a crucial function in any operating system. This chapter delves into the basic concepts of CPU scheduling, the criteria used for scheduling tasks, different scheduling algorithms, and how these algorithms are evaluated.
Scheduling is essential in managing computer resources effectively, and the CPU is one of the most important resources to be scheduled. CPU scheduling is at the core of multiprogrammed operating systems, where the CPU is constantly switched among different processes to optimize system performance.
In this chapter, students will learn about the various scheduling criteria that are considered when assigning tasks to the CPU, such as minimizing response time, maximizing throughput, and ensuring fairness among processes. They will also explore different scheduling algorithms, including First-Come, First-Served (FCFS), Shortest Job Next (SJN), Round Robin, and Priority Scheduling.
Students will gain an understanding of how each algorithm works, its advantages and disadvantages, and its suitability for different types of applications. They will also learn how to evaluate the performance of these algorithms using metrics such as average waiting time, turnaround time, and CPU utilization.
Overall, this chapter provides a comprehensive overview of CPU scheduling in operating systems, equipping students with the knowledge and tools to design efficient scheduling algorithms for various computing environments. The courseware is a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding the intricacies of CPU scheduling and its impact on system performance.
- 粉丝: 1
- 资源: 1
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