For all the following models, the training complexity is proportional to
O = E × T × Q, (1)
where E is number of the training epochs, T is the number of the words in the training set and Q is
defined further for each model architecture. Common choice is E = 3 − 50 and T up to one billion.
All models are trained using stochastic gradient descent and backpropagation [26].
2.1 Feedforward Neural Net Language Model (NNLM)
The probabilistic feedforward neural network language model has been proposed in [1]. It consists
of input, projection, hidden and output layers. At the input layer, N previous words are encoded
using 1-of-V coding, where V is size of the vocabulary. The input layer is then projected to a
projection layer P that has dimensionality N × D, using a shared projection matrix. As only N
inputs are active at any given time, composition of the projection layer is a relatively cheap operation.
The NNLM architecture becomes complex for computation between the projection and the hidden
layer, as values in the projection layer are dense. For a common choice of N = 10, the size of the
projection layer (P ) might be 500 to 2000, while the hidden layer size H is typically 500 to 1000
units. Moreover, the hidden layer is used to compute probability distribution over all the words in the
vocabulary, resulting in an output layer with dimensionality V . Thus, the computational complexity
per each training example is
Q = N × D + N × D × H + H × V, (2)
where the dominating term is H × V . However, several practical solutions were proposed for
avoiding it; either using hierarchical versions of the softmax [25, 23, 18], or avoiding normalized
models completely by using models that are not normalized during training [4, 9]. With binary tree
representations of the vocabulary, the number of output units that need to be evaluated can go down
to around log
(V ). Thus, most of the complexity is caused by the term N × D × H.
In our models, we use hierarchical softmax where the vocabulary is represented as a Huffman binary
tree. This follows previous observations that the frequency of words works well for obtaining classes
in neural net language models [16]. Huffman trees assign short binary codes to frequent words, and
this further reduces the number of output units that need to be evaluated: while balanced binary tree
would require log
(V ) outputs to be evaluated, the Huffman tree based hierarchical softmax requires
only about log
(Unigram perplexity(V )). For example when the vocabulary size is one million
words, this results in about two times speedup in evaluation. While this is not crucial speedup for
neural network LMs as the computational bottleneck is in the N × D× H term, we will later propose
architectures that do not have hidden layers and thus depend heavily on the efficiency of the softmax
2.2 Recurrent Neural Net Language Model (RNNLM)
Recurrent neural network based language model has been proposed to overcome certain limitations
of the feedforward NNLM, such as the need to specify the context length (the order of the model N),
and because theoretically RNNs can efficiently represent more complex patterns than the shallow
neural networks [15, 2]. The RNN model does not have a projection layer; only input, hidden and
output layer. What is special for this type of model is the recurrent matrix that connects hidden
layer to itself, using time-delayed connections. This allows the recurrent model to form some kind
of short term memory, as information from the past can be represented by the hidden layer state that
gets updated based on the current input and the state of the hidden layer in the previous time step.
The complexity per training example of the RNN model is
Q = H × H + H × V, (3)
where the word representations D have the same dimensionality as the hidden layer H. Again, the
term H × V can be efficiently reduced to H × log
(V ) by using hierarchical softmax. Most of the
complexity then comes from H × H.