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LinuxQuickBoot是一个关于Linux系统启动时间优化的重要主题,特别关注于在嵌入式设备和关键应用中实现快速启动。本文由Tristan Lelong撰写,他是一位经验丰富的嵌入式软件工程师,来自法国,专长于Linux内核和开源软件。 文章首先澄清了"QuickBoot"并非与Android系统的Fastboot混淆,尽管两者都强调速度,但演讲的重点在于Linux系统的快速启动。在许多场景中,如汽车系统、监控设备和医疗设备,快速启动至关重要,因为它们需要在极短时间内做出反应。对于消费电子,比如电视、相机和手机,用户期待的是即时可用性,即使在深度休眠模式下也能提供良好的电源管理和响应性能。 演讲的目标是通过各种技术和方法来缩短Linux启动时间,同时保持系统的完整性,特别关注标准Linux在ARM架构下的优化。演讲者明确表示,将重点放在通用的Linux系统优化策略上,而非列举所有实现方法或牺牲功能来追求极致的启动速度。直觉在优化过程中起着重要作用,比如减小空间使用、从高效存储加载以及剔除不必要的组件,以减少加载时间。 然而,直觉并非总是完美的,提高硬件频率和内存带宽虽然可以提升启动速度,但也可能带来额外的复杂性和能耗问题。因此,平衡优化措施和系统性能是演讲的核心议题。 文章接下来可能会深入探讨具体的优化技术,如启动时只加载必要的内核模块、采用轻量级启动加载器、优化启动脚本、或者使用预加载和缓存等方法。此外,它还可能涵盖如何在定制项目中实施这些优化,以适应不同市场的特定需求。 LinuxQuickBoot演讲旨在为嵌入式Linux开发人员提供实用的策略和最佳实践,帮助他们在追求快速启动的同时,兼顾系统的稳定性和功能性。这是一篇针对专业技术人员的实用指南,有助于提升设备的用户体验和系统性能。
2015-02-09 上传
Embedded Firmware Solutions: Development Best Practices for the Internet of Things is the perfect introduction and daily-use field guide--for the thousands of firmware designers, hardware engineers, architects, managers, and developers--to Intel’s new firmware direction (including Quark coverage), showing how to integrate Intel® Architecture designs into their plans. Featuring hands-on examples and exercises using Open Source codebases, like Coreboot and EFI Development Kit (tianocore) and Chromebook, this is the first book that combines a timely and thorough overview of firmware solutions for the rapidly evolving embedded ecosystem with in-depth coverage of requirements and optimization. What you’ll learn Understand the key differences between PC and embedded ecosystems in terms of firmware needs. Thorough underpinning of Intel’s firmware solutions. How to build a firmware stack for Quark. How to integrate FSP with a bootloader, by studying the hands-on example of Coreboot and UEFI. How to make a smart "build-it or buy-it" decision when starting a new embedded project. Who this book is for Firmware designers and engineers, hardware engineers, software architects, and product development managers. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Firmware Stacks for Embedded Chapter 3: Intel® Firmware Support Package (Intel FSP) Chapter 4: Building Coreboot with Intel FSP Chapter 5: Chromebook Firmware Internals Chapter 6: Intel FSP and UEFI Integration Chapter 7: Building Firmware for Quark Processors Chapter 8: Putting it all together Appendix A: Sample of Boot Setting File (BSF)