"TI-TCAN4420.pdf: CAN收发器功能解析与控制逻辑详解"
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The TI-TCAN4420.pdf document provides detailed information on the CAN transceiver model TI-TCAN4420, which is a highly integrated device suitable for use in automotive and industrial applications. The transceiver features include TXD, RXD, VCC, GND, Polarity Control, SWCAN, HCAN, Dominant Time Out, OverTemp. DRIVER, UnderVoltage Mode and Control Logic, Bias Unit Logic Output, and VIO, as well as copyright information indicating the document is the property of Texas Instruments Incorporated. The document is part of the ProductFolder, which contains comprehensive information about the TI-TCAN4420 transceiver, including the option to OrderNow, access to TechnicalDocuments, and tools for further support and development. The detailed content of the document provides engineers and designers with the necessary information to understand, integrate, and utilize the TI-TCAN4420 transceiver in their systems, ensuring reliable and efficient performance in CAN communication applications.
286 浏览量
261 浏览量
2022-11-14 上传
2022-12-16 上传
2022-12-16 上传
2022-12-16 上传
2022-12-16 上传
122 浏览量
119 浏览量

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