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资源摘要信息:"webkit-assign-loader是一个Webpack加载器,用于处理在特定浏览器环境中出现的问题。该问题特别影响到使用Object.create创建的对象在分配属性时,可能会导致错误TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property。这个问题主要影响的是iOS 8用户,尤其是在使用Angular.js的最新版本(至少1.4.2版本)时会出现此错误。为了解决这个问题,webkit-assign-loader重写了相关的代码,使得属性分配不会触犯readonly属性的限制。开发者只需要通过npm进行安装,并在webpack的配置文件中进行简单的设置,就可以使用这个加载器来防止TypeError的发生。" 具体来说,webkit-assign-loader的工作原理是通过查找代码中的属性赋值操作,如object . $$a = 5 ;,然后将这些操作重写为var __webkitAssign__$$a = '$$a' ;object [ __webkitAssign__$$a ] = 5 ;的形式。这样做可以有效地绕过浏览器对于readonly属性的限制,从而避免出现TypeError。 在使用webkit-assign-loader时,开发者需要在项目的根目录下运行npm i -D webkit-assign-loader命令来安装这个加载器。安装完成后,需要在webpack的配置文件webpackConfig.js中添加相关的配置信息,以便webpack在打包过程中使用webkit-assign-loader处理代码。 需要注意的是,虽然webkit-assign-loader可以在特定环境下解决TypeError问题,但它毕竟是一个针对特定问题的解决方案,可能并不适用于所有项目。因此,在使用webkit-assign-loader之前,开发者需要仔细评估项目的具体需求和环境,以决定是否需要使用这个加载器。 总的来说,webkit-assign-loader是一个非常实用的工具,尤其适合在开发iOS应用时,需要处理Angular.js等JavaScript框架或库在特定浏览器版本上出现的兼容性问题。

require([ "esri/Map", "esri/layers/CSVLayer", "esri/views/MapView", "esri/widgets/Legend" ], (Map, CSVLayer, MapView, Legend) => { const url = "https://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/query.csv?starttime=2020-01-01%2000:00:00&endtime=2020-12-31%2023:59:59&minlatitude=28.032&maxlatitude=41.509&minlongitude=74.18&maxlongitude=115.857&minmagnitude=2.5&orderby=time"; // Paste the url into a browser's address bar to download and view the attributes // in the CSV file. These attributes include: // * mag - magnitude // * type - earthquake or other event such as nuclear test // * place - location of the event // * time - the time of the event const template = { title: "{place}", content: "Magnitude {mag} {type} hit {place} on {time}." }; // The heatmap renderer assigns each pixel in the view with // an intensity value. The ratio of that intensity value // to the maxPixel intensity is used to assign a color // from the continuous color ramp in the colorStops property const renderer = { type: "heatmap", colorStops: [ { color: "rgba(63, 40, 102, 0)", ratio: 0 }, { color: "#472b77", ratio: 0.083 }, { color: "#4e2d87", ratio: 0.166 }, { color: "#563098", ratio: 0.249 }, { color: "#5d32a8", ratio: 0.332 }, { color: "#6735be", ratio: 0.415 }, { color: "#7139d4", ratio: 0.498 }, { color: "#7b3ce9", ratio: 0.581 }, { color: "#853fff", ratio: 0.664 }, { color: "#a46fbf", ratio: 0.747 }, { color: "#c29f80", ratio: 0.83 }, { color: "#e0cf40", ratio: 0.913 }, { color: "#ffff00", ratio: 1 } ], maxDensity: 0.01, minDensity: 0 }; const layer = new CSVLayer({ url: url, title: "Magnitude 2.5+ earthquakes from the last week", copyright: "USGS Earthquakes", popupTemplate: template, renderer: renderer, labelsVisible: true, labelingInfo: [ { symbol: { type: "text", // autocasts as new TextSymbol() color: "white", font: { family: "Noto Sans", size: 8 }, haloColor: "#472b77", haloSize: 0.75 }, labelPlacement: "center-center", labelExpressionInfo: { expression: "Text($feature.mag, '#.0')" }, where: "mag > 5" } ] }); const map = new Map({ basemap: "gray-vector", layers: [layer] }); const view = new MapView({ container: "viewDiv", center: [-138, 30], zoom: 2, map: map }); view.ui.add( new Legend({ view: view }), "bottom-left" ); }); </script>怎么把这段代码中引用的地址改成本地内存的地址

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