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本文主要介绍了如何将C/C++语言中的指针概念应用到Delphi编程环境中,由于C/C++和Delphi在指针处理上的差异,理解这些转换至关重要。以下是文章的核心知识点: 1. **类型指针的定义**: 在C语言中,类型指针的定义使用星号(*)后跟变量类型,例如`int* ptr`和`char* ptr`。在Delphi中,尽管符号不同,使用`^`前缀表示类型指针,如`ptr:^Integer`和`ptr:^char`。 2. **无类型指针**: C语言中的`void*`用来表示指向任何类型的指针,而在Delphi中,对应的概念是`Pointer`类型,例如`ptr: Pointer`,等同于`void* ptr`。 3. **指针的解除引用**: 在C中,通过`(*ptr)`访问指针所指向的值,而在Delphi中,使用`ptr^`来获取指针所指变量的值。 4. **取地址与赋值**: C的`ptr = &Object`用来获取对象的地址并赋值给指针,而Delphi的语法是`ptr := @Object`,两者在本质上是类似的。 5. **指针运算**: C允许对指针进行加法操作,如`ptr++`和`ptr += 2`,在Delphi中,`Inc(ptr)`代表`ptr++`,`Inc(ptr, 2)`对应`ptr += 2`,这里的`Inc`函数会根据指针类型自动调整步长。 6. **动态内存分配**: C中的动态内存分配用`malloc()`或`calloc()`,而在Delphi中,通常使用`New`或`SetLength`,虽然功能相似,但语法和内存管理机制有所不同。 7. **字符数组和函数指针**: 文章未详细展开,但提及字符数组的运算和函数指针在两种语言中会有不同的处理方式,但基本原理保持一致。 8. **数据类型和关键字对照表**: 除了上述提到的基本操作,还有数据类型和关键字的映射问题,这部分可能涉及具体的类型转换和保留字使用注意事项。 通过以上分析,我们可以看到C/C++和Delphi之间的指针处理有明显的相似之处,但也存在一些差异。学习者在迁移代码或使用这两种语言时,需要注意这些转换规则,以便正确地在Delphi中使用C/C++风格的指针技术。
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This Zip File includes the latest version of Bob Swart‘s (aka Dr. Bob) Header Converter Utility whose purpose is to translate C header files into Delphi interface units. In an earlier release, Dr. Bob described the tool in these words: "HeadConv v4.20 is capable of generating implicit and explicit Delphi import units (16/32-bit compatible) for C DLL header files. Please note that HeadConv is not perfect (it will fail on complex structures) and on average "only" has a 85-90% correct conversion rate - there‘s always some handwork required before and after converting the header files - see also my article on Using C DLLs with Delphi at http://www.drbob42.com/delphi/headconv.htm." Several years ago Dr. Bob donated this utility to Project JEDI to aid in its header translations. Some time later Alan C. Moore, a member of Project JEDI, began the process of re-factoring the source code to improve its readability in preparation for its official release to Project JEDI. These files are the culmination of that process. Folders and Files Readme.txt this file Samples/Sample.h Sample header file to test translations Source/Headconv.dpr Main Delphi project file for building utility Source/Headpars.pas Main parsing unit for converting header files Source/Headutil.pas Utility functions used in Headpars.pas Source/Headvars.pas Global variables used in other units. Because of technical limitations we are unable to include the executable that accomplishes header translations, Bin/HeadConv.exe. This file will continue to be available at Dr. Bob‘s Website in the "tools" section at http://www.drbob42.com/tools/index.htm.