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在本指南中,第0章是前言,由Eoin Keary编写。他介绍了OWASP的使命和该项目的背景,并解释了本指南的目的和范围。第1章是扉页,用来展示和说明该指南的简介和版权信息。
Web Security Testing Guide v4.2
Unless a holistic approach is adopted, testing just the technical implementation of an application will not uncover
management or operational vulnerabilities that could be present. By testing the people, policies, and processes, an
organization can catch issues that would later manifest themselves into defects in the technology, thus eradicating bugs
early and identifying the root causes of defects. Likewise, testing only some of the technical issues that can be present
in a system will result in an incomplete and inaccurate security posture assessment.
Denis Verdon, Head of Information Security at Fidelity National Financial, presented an excellent analogy for this
misconception at the OWASP AppSec 2004 Conference in New York:
If cars were built like applications … safety tests would assume frontal impact only. Cars would not be roll tested,
or tested for stability in emergency maneuvers, brake effectiveness, side impact, and resistance to theft.
How To Reference WSTG Scenarios
Each scenario has an identifier in the format WSTG-<category>-<number> , where: ‘category’ is a 4 character upper
case string that identifies the type of test or weakness, and ‘number’ is a zero-padded numeric value from 01 to 99. For
example: WSTG-INFO-02 is the second Information Gathering test.
The identifiers may change between versions therefore it is preferable that other documents, reports, or tools use the
format: WSTG-<version>-<category>-<number> , where: ‘version’ is the version tag with punctuation removed. For
example: WSTG-v42-INFO-02 would be understood to mean specifically the second Information Gathering test from
version 4.2.
If identifiers are used without including the <version> element then they should be assumed to refer to the latest Web
Security Testing Guide content. Obviously as the guide grows and changes this becomes problematic, which is why
writers or developers should include the version element.
Linking to Web Security Testing Guide scenarios should be done using versioned links not stable or latest which
will definitely change with time. However, it is the project team’s intention that versioned links not change. For example:
Information_Gathering/02-Fingerprint_Web_Server.html . Note: the v42 element refers to version 4.2.
Feedback and Comments
As with all OWASP projects, we welcome comments and feedback. We especially like to know that our work is being
used and that it is effective and accurate.
Principles of Testing
There are some common misconceptions when developing a testing methodology to find security bugs in software.
This chapter covers some of the basic principles that professionals should take into account when performing security
tests on software.
There is No Silver Bullet
While it is tempting to think that a security scanner or application firewall will provide many defenses against attack or
identify a multitude of problems, in reality there is no silver bullet to the problem of insecure software. Application
security assessment software, while useful as a first pass to find low-hanging fruit, is generally immature and ineffective
at in-depth assessment or providing adequate test coverage. Remember that security is a process and not a product.
Think Strategically, Not Tactically
Security professionals have come to realize the fallacy of the patch-and-penetrate model that was pervasive in
information security during the 1990’s. The patch-and-penetrate model involves fixing a reported bug, but without
proper investigation of the root cause. This model is usually associated with the window of vulnerability, also referred to
as window of exposure, shown in the figure below. The evolution of vulnerabilities in common software used worldwide
has shown the ineffectiveness of this model. For more information about windows of exposure, see Schneier on
Web Security Testing Guide v4.2
Vulnerability studies such as Symantec’s Internet Security Threat Report have shown that with the reaction time of
attackers worldwide, the typical window of vulnerability does not provide enough time for patch installation, since the
time between a vulnerability being uncovered and an automated attack against it being developed and released is
decreasing every year.
There are several incorrect assumptions in the patch-and-penetrate model. Many users believe that patches interfere
with normal operations or might break existing applications. It is also incorrect to assume that all users are aware of
newly released patches. Consequently not all users of a product will apply patches, either because they think patching
may interfere with how the software works, or because they lack knowledge about the existence of the patch.
Figure 2-2: Window of Vulnerability
It is essential to build security into the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to prevent reoccurring security
problems within an application. Developers can build security into the SDLC by developing standards, policies, and
guidelines that fit and work within the development methodology. Threat modeling and other techniques should be
used to help assign appropriate resources to those parts of a system that are most at risk.
The SDLC is King
The SDLC is a process that is well-known to developers. By integrating security into each phase of the SDLC, it allows
for a holistic approach to application security that leverages the procedures already in place within the organization. Be
aware that while the names of the various phases may change depending on the SDLC model used by an
organization, each conceptual phase of the archetype SDLC will be used to develop the application (i.e., define,
design, develop, deploy, maintain). Each phase has security considerations that should become part of the existing
process, to ensure a cost-effective and comprehensive security program.
There are several secure SDLC frameworks in existence that provide both descriptive and prescriptive advice. Whether
a person takes descriptive or prescriptive advice depends on the maturity of the SDLC process. Essentially, prescriptive
advice shows how the secure SDLC should work, and descriptive advice shows how it is used in the real world. Both
have their place. For example, if you don’t know where to start, a prescriptive framework can provide a menu of
potential security controls that can be applied within the SDLC. Descriptive advice can then help drive the decision
process by presenting what has worked well for other organizations. Descriptive secure SDLCs include BSIMM; and
the prescriptive secure SDLCs include OWASP’s Open Software Assurance Maturity Model (OpenSAMM), and ISO/IEC
27034 Parts 1-7, all published (except part 4).
Test Early and Test Often
Web Security Testing Guide v4.2
When a bug is detected early within the SDLC it can be addressed faster and at a lower cost. A security bug is no
different from a functional or performance-based bug in this regard. A key step in making this possible is to educate the
development and QA teams about common security issues and the ways to detect and prevent them. Although new
libraries, tools, or languages can help design programs with fewer security bugs, new threats arise constantly and
developers must be aware of the threats that affect the software they are developing. Education in security testing also
helps developers acquire the appropriate mindset to test an application from an attacker’s perspective. This allows
each organization to consider security issues as part of their existing responsibilities.
Test Automation
In modern development methodologies such as (but not limited to): agile, devops/devsecops, or rapid application
development (RAD) consideration should be put into integrating security tests in to continuous integration/continuous
deployment (CI/CD) workflows in order to maintain baseline security information/analysis and identify “low hanging
fruit” type weaknesses. This can be done by leveraging dynamic application security testing (DAST), static application
security testing (SAST), and software composition analysis (SCA) or dependency tracking tools during standard
automated release workflows or on a regularly scheduled basis.
Understand the Scope of Security
It is important to know how much security a given project will require. The assets that are to be protected should be
given a classification that states how they are to be handled (e.g., confidential, secret, top secret). Discussions should
occur with legal council to ensure that any specific security requirements will be met. In the USA, requirements might
come from federal regulations, such as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, or from state laws, such as the California SB-1386.
For organizations based in EU countries, both country-specific regulation and EU Directives may apply. For example,
Directive 96/46/EC4 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) make it mandatory to treat
personal data in applications with due care, whatever the application.
Develop the Right Mindset
Successfully testing an application for security vulnerabilities requires thinking “outside of the box.” Normal use cases
will test the normal behavior of the application when a user is using it in the manner that is expected. Good security
testing requires going beyond what is expected and thinking like an attacker who is trying to break the application.
Creative thinking can help to determine what unexpected data may cause an application to fail in an insecure manner.
It can also help find any assumptions made by web developers that are not always true, and how those assumptions
can be subverted. One reason that automated tools do a poor job of testing for vulnerabilities is that automated tools do
not think creatively. Creative thinking must be done on a case-by-case basis, as most web applications are being
developed in a unique way (even when using common frameworks).
Understand the Subject
One of the first major initiatives in any good security program should be to require accurate documentation of the
application. The architecture, data-flow diagrams, use cases, etc. should be recorded in formal documents and made
available for review. The technical specification and application documents should include information that lists not
only the desired use cases, but also any specifically disallowed use cases. Finally, it is good to have at least a basic
security infrastructure that allows the monitoring and trending of attacks against an organization’s applications and
network (e.g., intrusion detection systems).
Use the Right Tools
While we have already stated that there is no silver bullet tool, tools do play a critical role in the overall security
program. There is a range of Open Source and commercial tools that can automate many routine security tasks. These
tools can simplify and speed up the security process by assisting security personnel in their tasks. However, it is
important to understand exactly what these tools can and cannot do so that they are not oversold or used incorrectly.
The Devil is in the Details
It is critical not to perform a superficial security review of an application and consider it complete. This will instill a false
sense of confidence that can be as dangerous as not having done a security review in the first place. It is vital to
carefully review the findings and weed out any false positives that may remain in the report. Reporting an incorrect
security finding can often undermine the valid message of the rest of a security report. Care should be taken to verify
Web Security Testing Guide v4.2
that every possible section of application logic has been tested, and that every use case scenario was explored for
possible vulnerabilities.
Use Source Code When Available
While black-box penetration test results can be impressive and useful to demonstrate how vulnerabilities are exposed
in a production environment, they are not the most effective or efficient way to secure an application. It is difficult for
dynamic testing to test the entire code base, particularly if many nested conditional statements exist. If the source code
for the application is available, it should be given to the security staff to assist them while performing their review. It is
possible to discover vulnerabilities within the application source that would be missed during a black-box engagement.
Develop Metrics
An important part of a good security program is the ability to determine if things are getting better. It is important to track
the results of testing engagements, and develop metrics that will reveal the application security trends within the
Good metrics will show:
If more education and training are required;
If there is a particular security mechanism that is not clearly understood by the development team;
If the total number of security related problems being found is decreasing.
Consistent metrics that can be generated in an automated way from available source code will also help the
organization in assessing the effectiveness of mechanisms introduced to reduce security bugs in software
development. Metrics are not easily developed, so using a standard such as the one provided by the IEEE is a good
starting point.
Document the Test Results
To conclude the testing process, it is important to produce a formal record of what testing actions were taken, by whom,
when they were performed, and details of the test findings. It is wise to agree on an acceptable format for the report that
is useful to all concerned parties, which may include developers, project management, business owners, IT
department, audit, and compliance.
The report should clearly identify to the business owner where material risks exist, and do so in a manner sufficient to
get their backing for subsequent mitigation actions. The report should also be clear to the developer in pin-pointing the
exact function that is affected by the vulnerability and associated recommendations for resolving issues in a language
that the developer will understand. The report should also allow another security tester to reproduce the results. Writing
the report should not be overly burdensome on the security tester themselves. Security testers are not generally
renowned for their creative writing skills, and agreeing on a complex report can lead to instances where test results are
not properly documented. Using a security test report template can save time and ensure that results are documented
accurately and consistently, and are in a format that is suitable for the audience.
Testing Techniques Explained
This section presents a high-level overview of various testing techniques that can be employed when building a testing
program. It does not present specific methodologies for these techniques, as this information is covered in Chapter 3.
This section is included to provide context for the framework presented in the next chapter and to highlight the
advantages or disadvantages of some of the techniques that should be considered. In particular, we will cover:
Manual Inspections & Reviews
Threat Modeling
Code Review
Penetration Testing
Manual Inspections and Reviews
Web Security Testing Guide v4.2
Manual inspections are human reviews that typically test the security implications of people, policies, and processes.
Manual inspections can also include inspection of technology decisions such as architectural designs. They are
usually conducted by analyzing documentation or performing interviews with the designers or system owners.
While the concept of manual inspections and human reviews is simple, they can be among the most powerful and
effective techniques available. By asking someone how something works and why it was implemented in a specific
way, the tester can quickly determine if any security concerns are likely to be evident. Manual inspections and reviews
are one of the few ways to test the software development life-cycle process itself and to ensure that there is an
adequate policy or skill set in place.
As with many things in life, when conducting manual inspections and reviews it is recommended that a trust-but-verify
model is adopted. Not everything that the tester is shown or told will be accurate. Manual reviews are particularly good
for testing whether people understand the security process, have been made aware of policy, and have the appropriate
skills to design or implement secure applications.
Other activities, including manually reviewing the documentation, secure coding policies, security requirements, and
architectural designs, should all be accomplished using manual inspections.
Requires no supporting technology
Can be applied to a variety of situations
Promotes teamwork
Early in the SDLC
Can be time-consuming
Supporting material not always available
Requires significant human thought and skill to be effective
Threat Modeling
Threat modeling has become a popular technique to help system designers think about the security threats that their
systems and applications might face. Therefore, threat modeling can be seen as risk assessment for applications. It
enables the designer to develop mitigation strategies for potential vulnerabilities and helps them focus their inevitably
limited resources and attention on the parts of the system that most require it. It is recommended that all applications
have a threat model developed and documented. Threat models should be created as early as possible in the SDLC,
and should be revisited as the application evolves and development progresses.
To develop a threat model, we recommend taking a simple approach that follows the NIST 800-30 standard for risk
assessment. This approach involves:
Decomposing the application – use a process of manual inspection to understand how the application works, its
assets, functionality, and connectivity.
Defining and classifying the assets – classify the assets into tangible and intangible assets and rank them
according to business importance.
Exploring potential vulnerabilities - whether technical, operational, or managerial.
Exploring potential threats – develop a realistic view of potential attack vectors from an attacker’s perspective by
using threat scenarios or attack trees.
Creating mitigation strategies – develop mitigating controls for each of the threats deemed to be realistic.
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