《PDMS编码规则 jpwd.docx》重要注意事项

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The PDMS coding rules document, jpwd.docx, provides detailed information on the coding rules to be followed while using PDMS software. It is important to note that CADCentre has a policy of continuous product development, which means that the information provided in this document may be subject to change without prior notice. CADCentre does not provide any warranty with regard to the accuracy or completeness of the information in this document, including any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. While efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the document, CADCentre shall not be held liable for any errors or for any direct, indirect, or special damages resulting from the use of the information provided. It is important for all users of PDMS software to carefully review and adhere to the coding rules outlined in this document, while also staying informed about any potential updates or changes that may occur.