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研究生学术综合英语单词表 本资源为研究生学术综合英语单词表,涵盖1-8单元的单词,左边是英语单词,右边是词性和汉语释义,非常适合研究生备考学术英语考试。下面是对每个单元的知识点的详细解释: UNIT 1: * sustain:支撑、保持,例如“The government has to sustain the economy during the crisis.”(政府在危机期间必须维持经济。) * craft:手艺、工艺,例如“The artisan's craft is renowned for its precision.”(艺术家的手艺以其精度而闻名。) * clutter:凌乱、杂乱,例如“The room was cluttered with toys and clothes.”(房间里堆满玩具和衣服。) * simile:明喻,例如“He ran like a cheetah.”(他跑得像一只獵豹。) * metaphor:隐喻,例如“He is a lion on the football field.”(他在足球场上就是一头狮子。) * implicit:不言明的、默认的、含蓄的,例如“The implicit meaning of the poem is about love.”(诗歌的隐含意义是关于爱。) * rhythm:节奏、节律,例如“The rhythm of the music is catchy.”(音乐的节奏非常catchy。) * parallelism:平行、对应、排比,例如“The two companies have parallel structures.”(两家公司有平行的结构。) * alliteration:押头韵,例如“The alliteration of the poem is beautiful.”(诗歌的押头韵非常美丽。) * antithesis:对偶、对比,例如“The antithesis of love is hate.”(爱的对偶是恨。) * juxtaposition:并列、并置,例如“The juxtaposition of the two images is striking.”(两个图像的并列非常显著。) * assertion:断言,例如“The assertion of the scientist is based on evidence.”(科学家的断言基于证据。) * bolster:支持,例如“The government will bolster the economy with new policies.”(政府将以新的政策支持经济。) * testimony:证明、证据,例如“The testimony of the witness is crucial to the case.”(证人的证词对案件非常重要。) * anecdote:轶事,例如“The anecdote about the famous scientist is inspiring.”(关于著名科学家的轶事非常鼓舞人心。) * hypothetical:假设的、假定的,例如“The hypothetical situation is unlikely to occur.”(假设的情况不太可能发生。) * textured:具有特定结构或特征的,例如“The textured fabric is comfortable to wear.”(具有特定结构的织物很舒适穿着。) * sparingly:节约地,例如“We should use water sparingly during the drought.”(我们应该在干旱期间节约使用水。) * credible:可信的、可靠的,例如“The credible source of information is trustworthy.”(可靠的信息来源是值得信任的。) * credentials:可信任的证明,例如“The credentials of the expert are impressive.”(专家的可靠证明非常出色。) * extemporaneously:即兴地、即席地,例如“The speaker answered the question extemporaneously.”(演讲者即兴回答了问题。) * impromptu:无准备的、即席地,例如“The impromptu speech was impressive.”(即兴演讲非常出色。) UNIT 2: * detract:贬低、减损、降低,例如“The criticism will detract from the company's reputation.”(批评将损害公司的声誉。) * dominant:首要的、主要的、主导的,例如“The dominant culture in the country is diverse.”(国家中的主要文化是多样化的。) * inadequacy:缺乏、匮乏、不足,例如“The inadequacy of the education system is a concern.”(教育系统的不足是一个关注点。) * convert:转化,例如“The company will convert to a new business model.”(公司将转化为新的商业模式。) * deprivation:缺失、匮乏,例如“The deprivation of human rights is a serious issue.”(人权的缺失是一个严重的问题。) * constancy:不变、恒定,例如“The constancy of the company's policy is admirable.”(公司政策的不变是令人钦佩的。) * staggering:惊人的,例如“The staggering beauty of the landscape is breathtaking.”(景色的惊人美丽让人屏息。) * plausible:貌似合理的、可信的,例如“The plausible explanation for the phenomenon is convincing.”(关于现象的貌似合理的解释非常convincing。) * unprecedented:史无前例的、空前的,例如“The unprecedented event is a milestone in history.”(史无前例的事件是历史上的一个里程碑。) * entail:要求,例如“The new policy will entail significant changes.”(新的政策将要求巨大的改变。) * mediocre:二流的、平庸的、劣质的,例如“The mediocre performance of the team is disappointing.”(球队的平庸表现让人失望。) * elaborate:复杂的,例如“The elaborate plan was impressive.”(复杂的计划非常出色。) * effluent:工业废水,例如“The effluent from the factory is a major pollution source.”(工厂的废水是主要污染源。) * finitude:有限、限定、限度,例如“The finitude of the resources is a concern.”(资源的有限是一个关注点。) * disruption:破坏,例如“The disruption of the supply chain is a major problem.”(供应链的破坏是一个主要问题。) * traverse:穿行,例如“The hikers had to traverse the mountain range.”(徒步旅行者不得不穿行山脉。) * magnitude:程度,例如“The magnitude of the earthquake was severe.”(地震的程度非常严重。) * particular:微粒、颗粒,例如“The particular structure of the molecule is complex.”(分子的特定结构非常复杂。) * consensus:一致意见,例如“The consensus among the experts is that the policy is effective.”(专家们的一致意见是政策非常有效。) * concentration:浓度,例如“The concentration of the solution is too high.”(溶液的浓度太高。) * liability:不利因素,例如“The liability of the company is a major concern.”(公司的不利因素是一个主要关注点。) * menace:威胁,例如“The menace of climate change is real.”(气候变化的威胁是真实的。) * portend:预示,例如“The strange weather portends a storm.”(奇怪的天气预示着一场风暴。) * pathogen:病原体、致病菌,例如“The pathogen is the cause of the disease.”(病原体是疾病的原因。) * striking:显著的,例如“The striking feature of the building is its design.”(建筑的显著特征是其设计。) * augment:增加、增大,例如“The new policy will augment the company's revenue.”(新的政策将增加公司的收入。) * emergence:出现,例如“The emergence of new technology is changing the industry.”(新技术的出现正在改变行业。) * intractable:难以处理的,例如“The intractable problem is a major challenge.”(难以处理的问题是一个主要挑战。) * massive:巨大的,例如“The massive statue is an iconic landmark.”(巨大的雕像是一个标志性的地标。) * central:中心的,例如“The central idea of the theory is innovative.”(理论的中心思想非常创新。)