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随着Web 2.0时代的到来,Web服务器的访问量迅速增加,使得服务器的CPU和I/O处理能力成为企业业务增长的瓶颈。为了解决这一问题,可以通过多台服务器提供网络服务来提高系统性能和解决动态扩展的需求。反向代理服务器是一种能够提高系统性能并解决后期动态扩展的解决方案,其相对于正向代理服务器,主要是针对服务器集群。通过反向代理服务器实现多台服务器协作提供不同服务,但对于客户端却表现为一台服务器。
With the advent of the Web 2.0 era, the number of visitors to web servers is increasing rapidly. The CPU and I/O processing capabilities of servers quickly become bottlenecks for enterprise business growth. At this time, the issue can be addressed by using multiple servers to provide network services. A reverse proxy server provides a solution that can improve system performance and address dynamic expansion in the future. A reverse proxy server is relative to a forward proxy server, with the target being a server cluster. By using a reverse proxy server, multiple servers collaborate to provide different services, but appear as a single server to clients.
This paper employs nginx to implement reverse proxy functionality and takes advantage of nginx's high concurrent connection support, making it a good choice for balancing performance and cost for small and medium-sized enterprises. The focus of this study is on implementing load balancing through nginx's reverse proxy functionality on the Linux platform. Load balancing is achieved by setting up multiple web servers, with dynamic, static, and static attachments separated by setting up MySQL databases and FTP servers.
Keywords: Nginx, reverse proxy, load balancing.
2023-11-25 上传
2022-09-24 上传
2022-01-09 上传
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