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Based on the data obtained from a modified multi-rotor UAV and various payloads, as well as ground-based observation equipment, the characteristics of near-surface aerosols in the Da Qaidam region were measured. The study analyzed the near-surface aerosol particle number concentration (the number of aerosol particles per unit volume of air), aerosol extinction coefficient, and meteorological elements in the region. The results showed that the near-surface aerosol particle number concentration in the Da Qaidam region exhibited significant diurnal variation, displaying a bimodal distribution with a range of 75-220 cm -3. The aerosol extinction coefficient ranged from 0.004 to 0.038 km -1. When the wind speed was less than 6 m/s, there was a negative correlation between aerosol particle number concentration and wind speed. However, when the wind speed exceeded 6 m/s, a positive correlation was observed. The relative humidity had a minimal impact on aerosol particles, likely due to the prevalence of dust-type aerosols with weak hygroscopicity in the region.
This study utilized a multi-rotor UAV detection platform to effectively obtain detailed near-surface atmospheric and environmental structures, aiding researchers in understanding the structure and variation characteristics of aerosols in the region and establishing aerosol models. Furthermore, it provided technical support and expanded ideas for aerosol and atmospheric environmental parameter detection methods. This research contributes to a better understanding of the aerosol characteristics in the Da Qaidam region and serves as a valuable resource for future studies on aerosols and atmospheric environments.
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