utilizes the computing power of the hardware, resulting in
a significant decrease in inference latency while enhancing
the representation ability in the meantime.
However, we notice that with the model capacity further
expanded, the computation cost and the number of param-
eters in the single-path plain network grow exponentially.
To achieve a better trade-off between the computation bur-
den and accuracy, we revise a CSPStackRep Block to build
the backbone of medium and large networks. As shown
in Fig. 3 (c), CSPStackRep Block is composed of three 1×1
convolution layers and a stack of sub-blocks consisting of
two RepVGG blocks [3] or RepConv (at training or infer-
ence respectively) with a residual connection. Besides, a
cross stage partial (CSP) connection is adopted to boost
performance without excessive computation cost. Com-
pared with CSPRepResStage [45], it comes with a more
succinct outlook and considers the balance between accu-
racy and speed.
: Element-wise add
: Concatenation over channel dimension
RepVGG block
Figure 3: (a) RepBlock is composed of a stack of RepVGG
blocks with ReLU activations at training. (b) During infer-
ence time, RepVGG block is converted to RepConv. (c)
CSPStackRep Block comprises three 1×1 convolutional
layers and a stack of sub-blocks of double RepConvs fol-
lowing the ReLU activations with a residual connection.
2.1.2 Neck
In practice, the feature integration at multiple scales has
been proved to be a critical and effective part of object de-
tection [9, 21, 24, 40]. We adopt the modified PAN topol-
ogy [24] from YOLOv4 [1] and YOLOv5 [10] as the base
of our detection neck. In addition, we replace the CSP-
Block used in YOLOv5 with RepBlock (for small models)
or CSPStackRep Block (for large models) and adjust the
width and depth accordingly. The neck of YOLOv6 is de-
noted as Rep-PAN.
2.1.3 Head
Efficient decoupled head The detection head of
YOLOv5 is a coupled head with parameters shared be-
tween the classification and localization branches, while its
counterparts in FCOS [41] and YOLOX [7] decouple the
two branches, and additional two 3×3 convolutional layers
are introduced in each branch to boost the performance.
In YOLOv6, we adopt a hybrid-channel strategy to build
a more efficient decoupled head. Specifically, we reduce
the number of the middle 3×3 convolutional layers to only
one. The width of the head is jointly scaled by the width
multiplier for the backbone and the neck. These modifica-
tions further reduce computation costs to achieve a lower
inference latency.
Anchor-free Anchor-free detectors stand out because of
their better generalization ability and simplicity in decod-
ing prediction results. The time cost of its post-processing
is substantially reduced. There are two types of anchor-
free detectors: anchor point-based [7, 41] and keypoint-
based [16, 46, 53]. In YOLOv6, we adopt the anchor point-
based paradigm, whose box regression branch actually pre-
dicts the distance from the anchor point to the four sides of
the bounding boxes.
2.2. Label Assignment
Label assignment is responsible for assigning labels to
predefined anchors during the training stage. Previous work
has proposed various label assignment strategies ranging
from simple IoU-based strategy and inside ground-truth
method [41] to other more complex schemes [5, 7, 18, 48,
SimOTA OTA [6] considers the label assignment in ob-
ject detection as an optimal transmission problem. It defines
positive/negative training samples for each ground-truth ob-
ject from a global perspective. SimOTA [7] is a simpli-
fied version of OTA [6], which reduces additional hyper-
parameters and maintains the performance. SimOTA was
utilized as the label assignment method in the early version
of YOLOv6. However, in practice, we find that introducing
SimOTA will slow down the training process. And it is not
rare to fall into unstable training. Therefore, we desire a
replacement for SimOTA.
Task alignment learning Task Alignment Learning
(TAL) was first proposed in TOOD [5], in which a unified
metric of classification score and predicted box quality is
designed. The IoU is replaced by this metric to assign object
labels. To a certain extent, the problem of the misalignment
of tasks (classification and box regression) is alleviated.
The other main contribution of TOOD is about the task-
aligned head (T-head). T-head stacks convolutional layers to
build interactive features, on top of which the Task-Aligned
Predictor (TAP) is used. PP-YOLOE [45] improved T-
head by replacing the layer attention in T-head with the