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Based on STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer, the design method and simulation of electronic schedule are comprehensively elaborated with the help of circuit simulation software Proteus. In terms of hardware, STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer is used as the main control core, DS1302 clock chip provides clock, and 12864LCM dot matrix LCD display screen displays; in terms of software, it mainly includes schedule reminder program, perpetual calendar program, time adjustment program, display program, etc. After all the programs are written, debugging is carried out in Keil software to ensure that there are no problems, and then the single-chip microcomputer is embedded in Proteus software for simulation. The paper mainly studies the hardware interconnection and communication between the clock chip DS1302, LCD display LCM12864, temperature sensor DS18B20 and the single-chip microcomputer, and compares several hardware connection schemes in detail. In addition, the calendar algorithm is also discussed. The research results show that the core of schedule design lies in the optimization of hardware cost and software algorithm, striving to achieve high quality and low price, so as to have a broader market prospect. Keywords: schedule, single-chip microcomputer, DS1302, LCD display.
2022-04-23 上传
2024-08-28 上传
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