现代化会议预约管理系统开发及应用研究:基于ssm mysql数据库设计与实现
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In today's fast-paced society, computers have become an indispensable tool in various aspects of life, work, and leisure activities. Industries are constantly striving to modernize the use of industrial computers to improve work efficiency and elevate people's living standards. One of the most significant trends in the current era is the shift towards conducting meetings online. However, physical meeting rooms are still in high demand for certain events. Therefore, these meeting rooms are managed through computer systems. The online conference booking and management system is designed specifically for small and medium-sized companies to facilitate meeting reservations. The system simplifies the process for company personnel to schedule meetings online, reducing time and cost, and meeting the needs of employees who require to attend meetings outside the office. The system is developed using Java's MVC pattern, with data persistently stored in the commonly used MySQL relational database. The website construction is structured with a front-end and back-end model. The system includes important functionalities such as department management, meeting room selection, announcement management, and reservation management, as well as some auxiliary features. It provides an important information platform for the construction of the system.
Keywords: Java MVC pattern; MySQL relational database; meeting room selection.
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