AAM Two-on-one Cooperative Interception with Controllable Impact Time
Jiaqiang Zhang, Xiaolong Liang
, Zhenqing Shi, Shenghou Li
National Key Laboratory of Air Traffic Collision Prevention
Air Force Engineering University
Xi’an, China
Abstract—Two air-to-air missiles (AAM) cooperative
interception one target with controllable impact time
difference was investigated. The sequential cooperative
interception engagement was modeled first. Then, based on the
ideal proportional navigation (IPG), two sequential
cooperative guidance laws were proposed, one by changing the
navigation constant, while the other by adding a coordination
acceleration component. Finally, numerical simulations were
presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed
sequential cooperative guidance law. It is shown that the time-
to-go variance can be cooperatively decreasing and the
expected impact time difference can be achieved by adding the
proposed coordination acceleration component.
Keywords- cooperative interception; impact time difference;
air-to-air missile; sequential cooperative guidance law
Throughout the ages, warfare, wherever it may be, in the
sky, on the ground, or at the sea, cooperation is the centre,
the cooperation tactics determines whom the victory of the
war belongs to. And cooperation in interceptor missile
engagements can be used to create a favorable relative
geometry, which can improve performance and reduce
control effort. Specifically, cooperation in missile guidance
engagements can be used to saturate the target’s defenses
(e.g., using a salvo attack), limit the target’s evasive
possibilities (e.g., by controlling the relative geometry), and
even lure the target into a trap at some scenarios. It can also
be used to improve observability, by generating different
view angles near interception[1-3].
There are potentially two possible modes of cooperation
in guidance: 1) implicit cooperation, in which there is some
coordination parameter between the vehicles; and 2) explicit
cooperation, in which the guidance law explicitly optimizes
some team performance criteria.
Most studies dealing with cooperation interception
problem are formulated for the case of multimissiles trying
to capture a single target simultaneously. Such studies were
conducted over the years to deal with geometrical constraints,
mostly with the constraint of a terminal interception angle.
Whether stationary target or maneuvering target, the
approach to deal with these kinds of problems includes the
traditional guidance laws, such as proportional navigation
(PN)[4-8], and modern missile guidance law, such as the
optimal guidance law[9-10], sliding mode guidance law[11],
differential game guidance law[12] and model predictive
Simultaneously attacking is excellent for puncturing the
missile defense system of the warship or ground base. But
for maneuvering fighter target, that’s another story. Any of
the Chaff, Infrared Decoy, Electronic Jamming and the
escaping maneuvering of the fighter can lead the missile
attack failure. If the multimissiles arrival simultaneously,
they may fail simultaneously. It is a wise strategy for the
multimissiles to arrival sequentially with scheming time
difference, when the pilot burst out of the first missile, the
second missile is bombing in front of him.
To the best of our knowledge, none of the
aforementioned cooperation guidance laws in the open
literature enable imposing a controllable impact time
difference between the missiles. This paper fills this gap by
presenting cooperative guidance laws based on the ideal
proportional navigation (IPG), which explicitly enable
imposing a controllable and adjustable impact time
difference between the missiles.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: the
sequential cooperative interception engagement is presented
first, and to gain controllable impact time difference, two
cooperative guidance laws based on the ideal proportional
navigation are developed in Sec. III. A performance analysis
of the proposed algorithm is presented in Sec. IV, followed
by concluding remarks.
The planar engagement of the two air-to-air missiles
cooperative interception one target with controllable time
difference of arrival is
considered. Its schematic view is
given in Fig. 1. We assume that after the 1th missile
‘impact’ the target, the target will go on flying until the 2th
missile hit it. Variables associated with the 1th and 2th
missile and the target are denoted by additional subscripts 1,
2, and T, respectively. The speed, normal acceleration, and
flight-path angles are denoted by V, a, and Ȗ, respectively;
the range between each missile and the target is denoted as
. The angle between the ith missile-to-target line of sight
) and the Cartesian inertial reference frame X axis is Ȝ
and the angle between the LOS
and speed vector of missile i
and the target are denoted by ș
and ș
. The acceleration
commands normal to velocity for the missile and the target
are described by a
and a
, respectively.
2018 IEEE/CSAA Guidance, Navi
ation and Control Conference
ust 10-12, 2018 Xiamen, China
978-1-5386-1171-5/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE