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Support System (BOSS) and DSMP Interface Volume of Province-Level Business Operation Support System (BOSS) Business Technical Specification QB-J-014-2007" provides detailed technical standards for the interface between BOSS and DSMP systems. The document outlines the requirements for the integration and communication between these two systems, which are crucial for the efficient operation of mobile communication services. It includes specifications for data exchange, message formats, security protocols, and error handling procedures. The interface between BOSS and DSMP plays a critical role in managing customer information, service provisioning, billing, and network operations. It ensures that data is accurately shared between the systems, allowing for real-time updates and synchronized operations. By following the guidelines outlined in the technical specification document, mobile communication operators can ensure smooth interactions between BOSS and DSMP systems, resulting in improved service quality, reduced operational costs, and enhanced customer satisfaction. Overall, the technical standards for BOSS and DSMP interface serve as a blueprint for effective system integration and communication in the province-level business operation support environment. Adhering to these standards is essential for the seamless operation of mobile communication services and the success of telecom operators in today's competitive market.