4 Chen Luo, Michael J. Carey
Bloom filter and then proceed to search its B
-tree only
if its associated Bloom filter reports a positive answer. Al-
ternatively, a Bloom filter can be built for each leaf page
of a disk component. In this design, a point lookup query
can first search the non-leaf pages of a B
-tree to locate the
leaf page, where the non-leaf pages are assumed to be small
enough to be cached, and then check the associated Bloom
filter before fetching the leaf page to reduce disk I/Os. Note
that the false positives reported by a Bloom filter do not im-
pact the correctness of a query, but a query may waste some
I/O searching for non-existent keys. The false positive rate
of a Bloom filter can be computed as (1 − e
, where k
is the number of hash functions, n is the number of keys, and
m is the total number of bits [18]. Furthermore, the optimal
number of hash functions that minimizes the false positive
rate is k =
ln2. In practice, most systems typically use 10
bits/key as a default configuration, which gives a 1% false
positive rate. Since Bloom filters are very small and can of-
ten be cached in memory, the number of disk I/Os for point
lookups is greatly reduced by their use.
Partitioning. Another commonly adopted optimization
is to range-partition the disk components of LSM-trees into
multiple (usually fixed-size) small partitions. To minimize
the potential confusion caused by different terminologies,
we use the term SSTable to denote such a partition, following
the terminology from LevelDB [4]. This optimization has
several advantages. First, partitioning breaks a large com-
ponent merge operation into multiple smaller ones, bound-
ing the processing time of each merge operation as well as
the temporary disk space needed to create new components.
Moreover, partitioning can optimize for workloads with se-
quentially created keys or skewed updates by only merging
components with overlapping key ranges. For sequentially
created keys, essentially no merge is performed since there
are no components with overlapping key ranges. For skewed
updates, the merge frequency of the components with cold
update ranges can be greatly reduced. It should be noted that
the original LSM-tree [52] automatically takes advantage of
partitioning because of its rolling merges. However, due to
the implementation complexity of its rolling merges, today’s
LSM-tree implementations typically opt for actual physical
partitioning rather than rolling merges.
An early proposal that applied partitioning to LSM-trees
is the partitioned exponential file (PE-file) [38]. A PE-file
contains multiple partitions, where each partition can be log-
ically viewed as a separate LSM-tree. A partition can be
further split into two partitions when it becomes too large.
However, this design enforces strict key range boundaries
among partitions, which reduces the flexibility of merges.
We now discuss the partitioning optimization used in
today’s LSM-tree implementations. It should be noted that
partitioning is orthogonal to merge policies; both leveling
and tiering (as well as other emerging merge policies) can
level 0
level 1
level 2
0-30 34-70 71-99
0-15 16-32 35-50 51-70 72-95
0-10 11-19
Merging SSTable
New SSTable
34-70 71-99
35-50 51-70 72-95
level 1
level 2
Before Merge
After Merge
level 0
Fig. 4: Partitioned leveling merge policy
be adapted to support partitioning. To the best of our knowl-
edge, only the partitioned leveling policy has been fully im-
plemented by industrial LSM-based storage systems, such
as LevelDB [4] and RocksDB [6]. Some recent papers [12,
50,58,76,79] have proposed various forms of a partitioned
tiering merge policy to achieve better write performance
In the partitioned leveling merge policy, pioneered by
LevelDB [4], the disk component at each level is range-
partitioned into multiple fixed-size SSTables, as shown in
Figure 4. Each SSTable is labeled with its key range in the
figure. Note that the disk components at level 0 are not par-
titioned since they are directly flushed from memory. This
design can also help the system to absorb write bursts since
it can tolerate multiple unpartitioned components at level 0.
To merge an SSTable from level L into level L +1, all of its
overlapping SSTables at level L + 1 are selected, and these
SSTables are merged with it to produce new SSTables still at
level L + 1. For example, in the figure, the SSTable labeled
0-30 at level 1 is merged with the SSTables labeled 0-15 and
16-32 at level 2. This merge operation produces new SSTa-
bles labeled 0-10, 11-19, and 20-32 at level 2, and the old
SSTables will then be garbage-collected. Different policies
can be used to select which SSTable to merge next at each
level. For example, LevelDB uses a round-robin policy (to
minimize the total write cost).
The partitioning optimization can also be applied to the
tiering merge policy. However, one major issue in doing so
is that each level can contain multiple SSTables with over-
lapping key ranges. These SSTables must be ordered prop-
erly based on their recency to ensure correctness. Two pos-
sible schemes can be used to organize the SSTables at each
level, namely vertical grouping and horizontal grouping. In
both schemes, the SSTables at each level are organized into
groups. The vertical grouping scheme groups SSTables with
overlapping key ranges together so that the groups have dis-
joint key ranges. Thus, it can be viewed as an extension
RocksDB supports a limited form of a partitioned tiering merge
policy to bound the maximum size of each SSTable due to its internal
restrictions. However, the disk space may still be doubled temporarily
during large merges.