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"基于区块链技术的商品溯源系统的设计与实现" 本文详细阐述了一种采用区块链技术构建的商品溯源系统的结构设计和实现方法。该系统以增强商品数据的完整性和真实性为目标,改进了传统的商品溯源体系。系统采用了B/S架构,由前端子系统和服务器端子系统组成,用户通过浏览器与服务器进行交互。 系统结构设计的关键点如下: 1. **B/S架构**:系统采用Browser/Server(B/S)架构,用户通过浏览器与服务器端进行数据交互,简化了用户界面,提高了用户体验。 2. **RESTful接口与HTTP协议**:前端子系统通过访问RESTful API来请求服务器服务,这种接口设计模式使得通信简洁、标准化,易于理解和实现。 3. **多服务器节点**:服务器端由多个服务器节点构成,每个节点包含Web服务器和本地数据库。Web服务器负责处理客户端请求,提供服务,而本地数据库则存储相应节点的商品流转信息。 4. **TCP协议的数据交互**:各个服务器节点之间通过TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)协议进行数据同步和交互,确保了数据传输的可靠性和顺序性。 5. **节点服务器与商品供应链**:每个商品供应链的参与者被抽象为系统中的一个节点服务器,商品的流转信息在参与流转的每个节点数据库中保存,确保信息的实时同步。 6. **区块链技术的应用**:系统的核心创新在于使用区块链技术替代传统的集中式数据库来存储商品流转数据。区块链的分布式特性使得数据难以被篡改,提高了数据的完整性和真实性,增强了商品溯源服务的可信度。 7. **系统优势**:与传统溯源系统比较,基于区块链的系统能有效防止数据篡改,为消费者提供更为安全、可信的追溯服务,从而提升整个商品供应链的透明度和信任度。 关键词:软件工程、溯源系统、区块链 文章分类:计算机科学与技术,具体为TP311(计算机软件及计算机应用)下的子类15(计算机网络与通信) 通过这种设计,系统不仅实现了商品信息的高效管理和安全共享,还利用区块链的去中心化特性,降低了单点故障的风险,提升了整个商品溯源系统的稳定性和可靠性。
2018-02-09 上传
Internet of Things (IOT) solutions are not nearly as complicated as the name may seem to indicate. Indeed, the IOT is largely another name for what we have already been doing. You may have heard of “connected devices” or “Internet-ready” or even “cloud-enabled.” All of these refer to the same thing — be it a single device such as a toaster or a plant monitor or a complex, multidevice product like home automation solutions. They all share one thing in common: they can be accessed via the Internet to either display data or interact with the devices directly. The trick is applying knowledge of technologies to leverage them to the best advantages for your IOT solution. In this book, we explore how to build IOT solutions using an easy-to-understand programming language named MicroPython running on small, dedicated microcontroller boards. Intended Audience I wrote this book to share my passion for Python and IOT solutions. I especially wanted to show how anyone can program their own IOT solutions in Python using MicroPython on small microcontroller boards. The intended audience therefore includes anyone interested in learning how to build IOT solutions, hobbyists, and enthusiasts who don’t want to spend a lot of time learning a complicated programming language to control hardware through software in IOT solutions. How This Book Is Structured The book was written to guide the reader from a general knowledge of microcontrollers and MicroPython to expertise in developing MicroPython solutions for the IOT. The first several chapters cover general topics including a short introduction to the Internet of Things, what microcontroller boards are available as well as how MicroPython works. Later chapters present a tutorial on programming in MicroPython as well as an introduction to electronics. This is followed by four projects that you can implement to learn how to build MicroPython IOT solutions. Throughout the book are examples of how to implement many of the concepts presented