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With the advancement of modern computer and internet technology, human society is gradually moving towards informatization. The handling of analytical tasks in various fields can also be entrusted to computers and networks, making computer data analysis increasingly important in the information society. Using a humanized interactive way to allow computers to process various data for a long time is also particularly valuable.
There are many types of human-computer interaction robots developed in China, and text-based interactive robots are currently a relatively inexpensive and visually intuitive type of robot. However, existing similar robots lack good scalability, demonstrating their inflexibility. This system will implement a human-like chatbot data processor with statistical analysis capabilities through various technological means such as weak artificial intelligence segmentation, classifier matching models, and self-learning.
The system can interact with people in text form in a way that is close to ordinary people's language, and can generate different chat styles based on the historical chat records of the interacting person. During this process, the system will record and analyze all conversations, and anonymize the recorded conversations. Operators can view emotional indexes calculated based on long-term incoming sentence data in the system, and high-level operators can view emotional index data for the overall users. Therefore, this system can effectively collect user data in a silent manner, organize data that is helpful for educators to plan teaching strategies, and improve educational work.
Keywords: software engineering, chatbot, natural language, data processing, Python development.
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