di!usion equations for transport on fractal structures were shown to comply with the basic
properties, like the propagator (8), the returning probability to the origin, the mean squared
displacement, and the non-Markovian nature [183,184,225].
For homogeneous, isotropic systems which we are interested in, one knows from random walk
models that the propagator behaves asymptotically like
=(r, t)&b
mJ) (9)
with m"dr/t?, l"1/(1!a/2), b"!d(1!a)/(2!a), and b
and b
are constants depending
on a and the dimension d [238,239]. Such behaviour is reproduced by the fractional di!usion
equations that were anticipated by Balakrishnan [173] and "rst formulated by Wyss [174], and
Schneider and Wyss [175]. In Section 3 we show that the asymptotic behaviour (9) is consistent
with the asymptotic expansion of the exact solution of the fractional di!usion equation. Fractional
kinetic equations, their foundation and solution form the centre-piece of this report.
In what follows, we present the basic principles and physical properties connected with fractional
kinetic equations. We show that fractional equations arise naturally in the di!usion limit of certain
random walk schemes. By discussing methods of solution and deriving explicit solutions, we
demonstrate the usefulness of the fractional approach. At "rst, we introduce FDEs basing on the
continuous time random walk model where the transport events are subject to broad statistics.
Subsequently, FDAEs and FFPEs are presented and they describe the transport in an external
velocity or force "eld. In the "nal section, a physical derivation on the basis of a Langevin equation
with white Gaussian noise is discussed which leads to a fractional Klein}Kramers equation. From
the latter, the FFPE is consistently recovered. In the Appendices we have compiled some basic
de"nitions and useful relations which are of relevance in the main text. Thus, we give a primer on
fractional calculus and the special functions which emerge when dealing with fractional di!erential
equations, as well as a short introduction to LeH vy stable laws. Finally, we list the abbreviations
and the notation used. Note that throughout the text we denote the Laplace and Fourier
transforms of a function by stating the explicit dependence on the associated variable, e.g.
=(k, u)"F+L+=(x, t); tPu,; xPk,.
The numerous illustrations spread throughout the text are to visualise the often striking
di!erences in functional behaviour of the normal and anomalous cases, especially the perseverance
of the initial condition in the subdi!usive domain.
The discussion in the remainder of this report is restricted to the one-dimensional case, with special
emphasis on subdi!usion phenomena. The equations which describe subdi!usion presented in the
text can be extended to higher dimensions through a replacement of the derivatives in respect of the
position coordinate by corresponding orders of the operator. Some remarks on higher-dimensional
systems are contained in Ref. [215]. For those equations which describe situations with LeH vy
distributed jump lengths and which therefore contain a generalised Laplacian, we refer to the
de"nitions in Ref. [226] and the discussions in Refs. [156}158] for the multi-dimensional case.
3. From continuous time random walk to fractional di4usion equations
In our quest of establishing the fractional di!usion equation (FDE), we borrow from the ideas of
connecting the random walk approach with the continuum description through the di!usion
R. Metzler, J. Klafter / Physics Reports 339 (2000) 1}77 13