51, 031001(2014)
Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
龚文彪 顾国华 钱惟贤 任建乐
南京理工大学 江苏省光谱成像与智能感知重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210094
摘要 圆盘靶标在摄像 机标定及无人机侦察任务 中目标的定位方面有着广 泛的应用。针对目 前 图像角点检测的局
限性,提出了一种自 动提取红蓝彩色圆盘 靶目标中心角点的检 测方法。该方 法 利用 HSV(Hue, saturation, value)颜
性。最后 通过 Matlab 软件上 的仿真和现场 可编程门阵列 (FPGA)硬件上的实现 ,证明了该方法易 于硬件化实 现 ,实
关键词 图像处理;彩色圆盘;角点检测;HSV 颜色空间;对称算子
中图分类号 TN29 文献识别码 A doi: 10.3788/LOP51.031001
A New Algorithm for Color Disc Corner Detection
Gong Wenbiao Gu Guohua Qian Weixian Ren Jianle
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Spectral Imaging and Intelligent Sense, Nanjing University of Science and Technology,
Nanjing, Jiangsu 210094, China
Abstract Target disc images are widely used in camera calibration and target location for unmanned (UAV)
scout task, so a method of automatically extracting feature point coordinates is proposed for the color on the
two- dimensional (2D) center of the disc to solve the problems of present corner detection algorithms. The
operation of color separation for the red and blue discs is completed with the method of hue- saturation- value
(HSV) volor space in order to get a gray image which has obvious symmetry and strong contrast. According to
the corner points of the candidate red and blue pixels in the neighborhood with the distance less than a
threshold number, the exact value of the corner is determined, and the response value of extracted large corner
point is applied as a candidate by using a new type of symmetric operator. Experiment results of Matlab
simulation and hardware implementation based on the field programmable gate array (FPGA) platform show
that the proposed method is easy to implement in hardware technology, real- time and has good anti- noise
ability. Also it has a good robustness to image rotation, stretching and scale transformation.
Key words image processing; color disc; corner detection; HSV color space; symmetric operators
OCIS codes 100.2000; 100.4999; 100.6890
1 引 言
角点是在二维图像中 X、Y 方向上梯度值明显变化或图像边缘上曲率最大的点,一个好的角点对图像的
,对于通用的角点检测及 相关 的改进方法,都很难避免算法量大、容易 出现
收稿日期: 2013-10-12; 收到修改稿日期: 2013-11-27; 网络出版日期: 2014-03-01
基金项目: 国家自然科学基 金(61101119)、江苏省普通高 校研究生科研 创新基金(CXZZ12_0183)、江苏 省自然科学基 金
作者简介: 龚文彪(1990—),男,硕士研究生,主要从事红外图像处理和目标搜索跟踪方面的研究。
E-mail: gongwenbiao2011@163.com
导师简介: 顾国华(1966—),男,研究员,博士生导师,主要从事光电成像理论与技术、图像识别处理及应用技术方面的研
究。E-mail: gghnjust@163.com
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