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ased on single-chip microcomputer system, this system utilizes 51 core single-chip microcomputer and 74HC138/74HC139 for IO expansion to control the digital tubes and numerous LEDs in the system. Additionally, external control input is achieved through a key circuit. The hardware circuit is composed of the above mentioned components, allowing for a reasonable and efficient completion of the traffic light design.
The software development is based on C language, adopting a modular design approach. The time control, digital tube control, and key detection functions are implemented separately and then integrated into a single project. This results in a more efficient use of the program. The entire system has been verified to be stable and reliable, with a low design cost. It has significant market potential.
Keywords: traffic light; single-chip microcomputer; automatic control
In summary, the intelligent traffic light system based on single-chip microcomputer has been successfully designed and implemented. By utilizing advanced single-chip microcomputer technology and adopting a modular design approach, the system has achieved efficient control of traffic lights. The hardware components, including the 51 core single-chip microcomputer and IO expansion components, work together seamlessly to ensure smooth operation of the system. The software development in C language further enhances the system's functionality and usability. With its stable performance, reliability, and cost-effectiveness, the system has great potential in the market.
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