Magento 2开发入门:创建自定义解决方案与扩展

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《Magento 2 开发基础:入门与实践》(Magento 2 Development Essentials)是由 Fernando J. Miguel 编著的一本专业书籍,旨在帮助读者掌握 Magento 2 的核心开发技能,以便有效地创建自定义解决方案、主题以及扩展。本书是 Packt Publishing 出版于 2016 年的作品,版权受到保护,未经出版商书面许可,不得进行任何形式的复制或传播。 该书深入浅出地介绍了 Magento 2 的开发环境设置、架构理解、模块开发、数据模型设计、前端主题定制以及如何编写有效的控制器、视图和行为代码。作为一本实用指南,书中不仅讲解了基础知识,还涵盖了关键的最佳实践和常见问题的解决方法,以确保开发人员能够迅速上手并在实际项目中高效应用 Magento 2。 在阅读过程中,读者可以期待学习到以下主要内容: 1. **Magento 2 环境配置**:了解如何安装 Magento 2,配置 Web 服务器、数据库、依赖项,以及熟悉其目录结构。 2. **模块和组件开发**:包括模块注册、配置、事件监听、控制器、模型、视图以及行为的创建和管理。 3. **数据模型设计**:学习如何创建和管理 Magento 2 的实体,如产品、分类、客户等,以及 EAV(Entity-Attribute-Value)模型的工作原理。 4. **主题定制**:探索如何创建自定义主题,包括主题结构、CSS/JS 文件组织、模板修改以及主题包的开发。 5. **扩展开发**:学习如何编写 Magento 2 扩展,包括社区版和企业版的区别,以及如何遵循 Magento 的开发最佳实践。 6. **性能优化**:涉及缓存机制、索引管理、SEO 优化等方面,帮助开发者打造高性能的 Magento 2 应用。 7. **安全性与最佳实践**:讨论如何遵循 Magento 安全性原则,防止常见的攻击手段,如 SQL 注入和跨站脚本攻击。 8. **部署和维护**:了解 Magento 2 的部署流程,包括生产环境的搭建和日常维护任务。 9. **许可证和法律注意事项**:明确版权声明,理解使用 Magento 2 开发时的法律限制和责任划分。 《Magento 2 开发基础:入门与实践》是一本全面的指南,无论你是初次接触 Magento 2 的开发者还是希望提升技能的资深开发者,都能从中获益匪浅。通过本书,读者将建立起坚实的 Magento 2 开发基础,为构建高质量电子商务平台奠定坚实的基础。
2019-01-12 上传
What this book covers Chapter 1, Installing Magento 2 on Apache and NGINX, is a totally different ballgame compared to Magento 1. Where Magento 1 could be installed through FTP or SSH, Magento 2 is installable only via the command-line interface for an experienced webmaster. Chapter 2, Magento 2 System Tools, explains how to install Magento 2 via the command shell. Magento released a new powerful tool to manage and install sample data, reindex your database, back up your site, or flush your caches, which are just a few of the options. Chapter 3, Enabling Performance in Magento 2, explains how to configure different types of caching options. In Magento 2, the Full Page Cache (FPC) can be handled by Varnish to give your store a performance boost. There are also external services that you can use as a cache. Chapter 4, Creating Catalogs and Categories, shows you one of the major elements of a Magento store before creating products. Creating the correct product type including attributes is an important step in setting up a Magento store. Chapter 5, Managing Your Store, covers setting up the correct tax rules, configuring an inventory, and creating customer groups. Chapter 6, Creating a Magento 2 Theme, discusses the Magento 2 blank theme and how to use the fallback to create seasonal variations. It also explains how the new theme is set up and where files are stored. Chapter 7, Creating Magento 2 Extensions – the Basics, contains the basic functions required to use extensions in a Magento 2 installation. It contains a brief introduction to new methods introduced in the Magento 2 framework and examples on how to create basic functions. Chapter 8, Creating Magento 2 Extensions – Advanced, explains how to use advanced features in extensions for Magento 2. It also includes how to add unit/functional tests as this is a new requirement for extensions listed on the new Magento