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"《PostGIS实战》是一本由Regina O. Obe和Leo S. Hsu合著的专业书籍,英文原名为PostGIS in Action。该书是针对PostgreSQL的开源空间数据库扩展工具,专为不同水平的读者提供编写解决实际问题的空间查询技能。PostGIS使得在SQL代码中轻松实现地理位置感知查询,并作为地图应用的后台支持,极大提高了效率。 书中首先介绍了向量基础地理信息系统(GIS)的概念,然后逐步深入到数据分析、查看和地图制作。读者将学习如何优化查询以提升速度、简化几何形状以提高效率,以及创建自定义函数来适应特定的应用需求。书中的内容覆盖了PostgreSQL 8.4、9.0和9.1的特性,并展示了与其他GIS工具的集成方法。 全书分为三个部分:第一部分是学习PostGIS基础知识,包括空间数据库的定义、几何类型、数据组织、几何函数、几何关系以及空间参考系统考虑因素,以及如何处理实际数据。第二部分着重于实践应用,教授各种解决空间问题的技巧和性能调优策略。第三部分探讨如何结合其他工具如SQL增强插件、Web应用和桌面环境使用PostGIS。 此外,书后还提供了附录,如额外资源、安装、编译和升级指南、SQL基础以及PostgreSQL特色功能的介绍。《PostGIS实战》的出版商Manning Publications Co. 提供了详细的购买信息和优惠渠道,强调版权保护政策,提醒读者未经许可不得复制或传播。该书对于GIS专业人员和对空间数据分析感兴趣的开发者来说,是一本极具价值的参考资料。"
2019-12-17 上传
PostGIS is a spatial database that integrates advanced storage and analysis of vector and raster data, and is remarkably flexible and powerful. PostGIS provides support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database and is currently the most popular open source spatial databases. If you want to explore the complete range of PostGIS techniques and expose the related extensions, this book is a must-have. This book is a deep-dive into the full range of PostGIS topics, with practical applications of the concepts and code. It is a comprehensive guide on PostGIS tools and concepts which are required to manage, manipulate, and analyse spatial data in PostGIS. This book is packed with systematic instructions of hands-on examples and in-depth explanations. Even for experienced users, this book will serve as a great source of reference by providing new ways of working with PostGIS through the book’s easy-to-follow approach. This hands-on guide looks at key spatial data manipulation tasks, explaining not only how each task is performed, but also why. It provides practical guidance allowing you to safely take advantage of the advanced technology in PostGIS in order to simplify your spatial database administration tasks. This practical book will help you take advantage of basic and advanced vector, raster, and routing approaches. You will learn to use the concepts of data maintenance, optimization, and performance, which will help you to integrate these into a large ecosystem of desktop and web tools. With this comprehensive guide, you will be armed with all the tools and instructions you need to both manage the spatial database system and make better decisions as your project’s requirements evolve.