
0 下载量 107 浏览量 更新于2024-03-04 收藏 1.42MB PPT 举报
The document "Typical Exercises in Computer Network (Complete Version).ppt" provides a comprehensive tutorial on various exercises related to computer networks. It covers the first chapter which includes basic concepts and the calculation of end-to-end delay. The OSI reference model is also discussed, with a detailed explanation of the seven layers in the model. The presentation lists examples of actual protocols for each of the five selected layers. The OSI reference model is explained in detail, with a sequential listing of the seven layers and a brief description of the main functions of each layer. The physical layer is discussed as the foundation of computer networking, including the physical networking media. The data link layer is highlighted as being responsible for reliable data transmission on unreliable physical lines. The network layer is described as providing communication services between hosts, with examples such as IP, ARP, and ICMP. The presentation also includes a discussion on the transport layer, which is responsible for ensuring end-to-end communication and includes protocols such as TCP and UDP. The session, presentation, and application layers are also discussed, with examples of protocols such as NetBIOS, XML, HTML, FTP, HTTP, and DNS. In conclusion, the document "Typical Exercises in Computer Network (Complete Version).ppt" offers a comprehensive tutorial on various exercises related to computer networks, including the OSI reference model, examples of protocols for each layer, and the main functions of each layer. It provides a valuable resource for students and professionals studying or working in the field of computer networks. It effectively covers the core concepts and practical applications of computer networking, making it an essential reference for anyone seeking to enhance their understanding of the subject.