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Abstract—This paper describes the in-loop deblocking filter
used in the upcoming high efficiency video coding (HEVC)
standard to reduce visible artifacts at block boundaries. The
deblocking filter performs detection of artifacts at the coded block
boundaries and attenuates those by applying a selected filter.
Compared to the H.264/AVC deblocking filter, the HEVC
deblocking filter has lower computational complexity and better
parallel processing capabilities while still achieving significant
reduction of the visual artifacts.
Index Terms—deblocking, video coding, video processing, video
filtering, block-based coding.
IGH efficiency video coding (HEVC) [1] is a new video
coding standard that is currently being developed jointly
by ITU-T SG 16 Q.6, also known as VCEG (Video Coding
Experts Group), and by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11, also
known as MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) in the joint
collaborative team on video coding (JCT-VC). The first version
of the HEVC standard is planned to be finalized in January
2013, while the development of scalable and 3D extensions of
HEVC is expected in the following years. Similar to previous
video coding standards, such as H.264/AVC, the upcoming
HEVC standard is based on a hybrid coding scheme using
block-based prediction and transform coding. First, the input
signal is split into rectangular blocks that are predicted from the
previously decoded data by either motion-compensated
prediction [3] or intra prediction. The resulting prediction error
is coded by applying block transforms based on an integer
approximation of the discrete cosine transform, which is
followed by quantization and coding of the transform
Manuscript received April 15, 2012.
A. Norkin and K. Andersson are with Ericsson Research, 164 89,
Stockholm, Sweden (phone: +46 10 714 84 02, e-mails:
andrey.norkin@ericsson.com, kenneth.r.andersson@ericsson.com).
G. Bjøntegaard and A. Fuldseth are with Cisco Systems, Oslo, Norway
(e-mails: arilfuld@cisco.com, gbjonteg@cisco.com)
M. Narroschke is with Panasonic R&D Center, 63255 Langen, Germany
(e-mail: matthias.narroschke@eu.panasonic.com).
M. Zhou is with Systems and Applications R&D Center, Texas Instruments
Inc., Dallas, TX-75243, USA (e-mail: zhou@ti.com).
M. Ikeda is with Technology Development Group, Sony Corporation, Tokyo,
141-8610, Japan (e-mail: masaru.ikeda@jp.sony.com)
G. Van der Auwera is with Qualcomm Technologies Inc., San Diego,
CA-92121, USA (e-mail: geertv@qualcomm.com)
coefficients. While H.264/AVC [2] divides a picture into fixed
size macroblocks of 16 × 16 samples, HEVC divides a picture
into coding tree units (CTU) of 16 × 16, 32 × 32 or 64 × 64
samples. The coding tree units can be further divided into
smaller blocks using a quad-tree structure. Such a block, called
a coding unit (CU), can be split further into prediction units
(PUs) and is also a root for the transform quad-tree. Each of the
child nodes of the transform quad-tree defines a transform unit
(TU). The size of the transforms used in prediction error coding
can vary from 4 × 4 to 32 × 32 samples, thus allowing larger
transforms than in H.264/AVC, which uses 4 × 4 and 8 × 8
transforms. As the optimal size of the above mentioned blocks
typically depends on the picture content, the reconstructed
picture is composed of blocks of various sizes, each block being
coded using an individual prediction mode and the prediction
error transform.
In a coding scheme that uses block-based prediction and
transform coding, discontinuities can occur in the reconstructed
signal at block boundaries. Visible discontinuities at block
boundaries are known as blocking artifacts. A major source of
blocking artifacts is the block-transform coding of the
prediction error followed by coarse quantization. Moreover, in
the motion-compensated prediction process, predictions for
adjacent blocks in the current picture might not come from
adjacent blocks in the previously coded pictures, which creates
discontinuities at the block boundaries of the prediction signal.
Similarly, when applying intra prediction, the prediction
process of adjacent blocks might be different causing
discontinuities at the block boundaries of the prediction signal.
Two approaches to reducing blocking artifacts are
post-filtering and in-loop filtering. Post-filtering is not specified
by the video coding standard and can be performed, e.g., in the
display buffer. The implementer has the freedom to design an
algorithm driven by application-specific requirements. In-loop
filters operate within the encoding/decoding loop. Therefore,
they need to be normative in order to avoid drift between the
encoder and the decoder.
The HEVC draft standard defines two in-loop filters, which
can be applied sequentially to the reconstructed picture. The
first one is the deblocking filter and the second one is the sample
adaptive offset filter (SAO), which are currently included into
the main profile. This paper describes the first of these two
in-loop filters, the deblocking filter. Depending on the
configuration, SAO can be applied to the output of the
deblocking filtering process.
The deblocking filter in HEVC has been designed to improve
Andrey Norkin, Gisle Bjøntegaard, Arild Fuldseth, Matthias Narroschke, Masaru Ikeda, Kenneth
Andersson, Minhua Zhou, and Geert Van der Auwera